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amdgpustats 0.1.24
A Python module/TUI for AMD GPU statistics. Please file an issue
with feature requests or bug reports!
Main screen / stats
Usage graphs
Only Linux is supported. Information is completely sourced from the amdgpu
driver via sysfs
pip install amdgpu-stats
To use the TUI, run amdgpu-stats in your terminal of choice. For the module,
see below!
In [1]: import amdgpu_stats.utils
In [2]: amdgpu_stats.utils.CARDS
Out[2]: {'card0': '/sys/class/drm/card0/device/hwmon/hwmon9'}
In [3]: amdgpu_stats.utils.get_core_stats('card0')
Out[3]: {'sclk': 640000000, 'mclk': 1000000000, 'voltage': 0.79, 'util_pct': 65}
In [4]: amdgpu_stats.utils.get_clock('core', format_freq=True)
Out[4]: '659 MHz'
Attempts are made to provide guidance as ValueErrors. For example:
In [2]: amdgpu_stats.utils.CARDS
Out[2]: {'card1': '/sys/class/drm/card1/device/hwmon/hwmon3'}
In [3]: amdgpu_stats.utils.get_core_stats('card0')
File ~/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/amdgpu_stats/utils.py:82, in validate_card(card)
80 raise ValueError("No AMD GPUs or hwmon directories found")
81 # if 'card' was specified (not None) but invalid (not in 'CARDS'), raise a helpful error
---> 82 raise ValueError(f"Invalid card: '{card}'. Must be one of: {list(CARDS.keys())}")
ValueError: Invalid card: 'card0'. Must be one of: ['card1']
For more information on what the module provides, please see:
help('amdgpu_stats.utils') in your interpreter
The module source
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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