askforcolor 0.1.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
askforpassword 0.0.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
A ruby gem to Interact with OpenAI GPT API with context and history
A ruby gem to ask OpenAI GPT API with context and history from command line
asking 1.0.3 🙋 Asking Asking is a Python package for asking questions and getting answers....
Interacts with an HTTP service used to respond to an Amazon Alexa Skill request.
askitsu 1.0.0 askitsu An async wrapper...
askky 1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
ask lang 1.5.0 Ask Introduction Ask is an open source, dynamic, and transpiled...
askless Askless for Flutter # Build Flutter Apps with PostgreSQL, MySQL, or any database, stream data...
Instrumentation of rails app
askme 0.0.4 # AskMe-Python [![Build Status](]( AskMe Python Client ##...
askocli 0.5 The author of this package has not provided a project description
commandline tool to search stackoverflow quickly and simply.
askpypi 0.6.0 ASK PYPI Ask PyPI about whether a Python Package has alread been released/registered under...
Ruby library for integrating ask.
asks 3.0.0 asks is an async http lib for curio, trio and asyncio
asksdkcore 1.19.0 ASK SDK Core - Base components of Python ASK SDK ask-sdk-core is the core...
asksdkdynamodbpersistenceadapter 1.19.0 ASK SDK DynamoDB Adapter of Python ASK SDK ask-sdk-dynamodb-persistence-adapter is the persistence adapter package...
asksdkjinjarenderer 1.0.0 ASK SDK Jinja Renderer ask-sdk-jinja-renderer is an SDK package for supporting template responses for...
asksdklocaldebug 1.1.0 ASK SDK Local debug - Debugger for Python ASK SDK ASK SDK Local Debug...
Create laravel modular app using laravel modular plugin
Automated testing infrastructure for Flarum core and extensions.
askxml 1.0.0 AskXML Run SQL statements on XML documents <xml> <fruit color='green'>tasty kiwi</fruit>...
Comatose is a micro CMS designed for being embedded into existing Rails applications.
Laravel package for BNI API
Laravel package for BRI API
assets css jor jquery ui
Write a gem description
assets for js menu superfish js+CSS
use to group table by scope 0.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
asm 0.0.5 Python API ASM carrier. Features Services Test connection
This is a simple gem to detect any Arabian name gender
asmaulhusna Asmaul Husna Flutter Package # A Flutter package that provides access to the 99 Names...
AsmCC is a command line tool to view the assembly or LLVM IR produced by
clang for a given file. ...
asmchip8 0.1 asmchip8 is an assembler for CHIP-8. It is free software under the GNU AGPLv3+...
asmekauthcogs 1.3.1 asmek-authcogs Alliance Auth cogs for Astrum Mechanica This is built to replace some...
Go Assembler Formatter
asmlib 2.2.0 Tooling package for the computer architecture course (aka Rechnerorganisation) at Graz University of Technology.
ASMO 0.4 Attentive Self-Modifying (ASMO) is a flexible, intuitive and powerful cognitive architecture inspired from human cognition...
A simple daemon generator
asmog 0.0.6 Python Client for interacting with Ampio Smog Sensors This module is not officially developed...
add some common usage feature to mongo driver, extend the mongo driver,do not use orm.
asmopcodeanalyzer 1.1.0 ASM-Opcode-Analyzer The "ASM-Opcode-Analyzer" repository contains a Python code that reads ASM files and provides...
Simple project, right now supports only basic types, later on i will add more assembly operations
Tired of writing assembly and them assembling it? Now you can write assembly and evaluate it!
asms 1.0.1 The asms module provides functionality of SMS sending and receiving via mobile phone. To...
asmscanlstm 1.0.0 ASMscan-LSTM Bidirectional LSTM model for detection of amyloid signaling motifs (ASMs)....
asmsecretsmanager 1.0.1 This library objective is to aim the variables and secrets management for our software applications...
Organization lookup and server tool (ASN / IPv4 / IPv6 / Prefix / AS Path)
asn1 2.7.1 Python-ASN1 is a simple ASN.1 encoder and decoder for Python 2.7 and 3.5+.
Compile ASN.1 specifications into C source code
asn1crypto 1.5.1 asn1crypto A fast, pure Python library for parsing and serializing ASN.1 structures.
asn1cryptotests 1.5.1 asn1crypto_tests Run the test suite via: python -m asn1crypto_tests Full...
asn1lib ASN.1 Parser for Dart # Encodes & decodes ASN1 using BER encoding. Samples #
asn1vnparser 0.2.3 asn1vnparser Parses ASN.1 value notation into a Python...
ASnake 0.13.40 ASnake Optimizing Python transpiler for the ASnake programming language. A proper readme is...
ASnakeAhriFox 0.13.36 ASnake Optimizing Python transpiler for the ASnake programming language. A proper readme is...
asnavigationdrawer asnavigationdrawer # Getting Started # ASNavigationDrawer is flutter package that writen in...
Quickly map organization network ranges using ASN information
asockit 0.1.1 Client-side toolkit for async sockets. Documentation Simple...
asolut 1.2.13 asolut A solution for the synonym problem in word frequency algorithms
asone 2.0.0 AS-One v2 : A Modular Library for YOLO Object Detection, Segmentation, Tracking & Pose...
asp ASP - Atomic State Pattern #
aspackt 1.0.2 UNKNOWN
aspec 0.0.16 aspec Developer Guide Setup # create conda environment $...
Helper methods for Ruby Date class.
A helper for unit testing that utilizes AOP and metaprogramming
This plugin is a group of Asciidoctor extensions that perform directory walking,
A small collection of useful classes, modules, and mixins for plain old Ruby objects.
image dimensions ActiveRecord validator for carrierwave gem
aspectify 1.0.0 aspectify Aspect Oriented Programming is a programming paradigm that allows the...
aspectlib 2.0.0 aspectlib is an aspect-oriented programming, monkey-patch and decorators library. It is useful when changing...
Aspecto SDK and OpenTelemetry distribution for ruby programming language
AWS SDK instrumentation for the OpenTelemetry framework
aspectootautoinstrumentation 0.1b3 Aspecto OpenTelemetry Auto Instrumentation This library does all the magic. Installation
Callbacks for your classes
Image aspect ratio calculation utility
aspectratiotoo 0.1.1 Aspect Ratio Too Overview Aspect ratio calculations. Installation pip install aspect-ratio-too
aspectreat 1.0.6 desp
A simple gem to support minimal Aspect Oriented Programming in ruby.
Before, after and around method calls. Supports Regexp matching.
Spell checker with better logic than ispell
See for example usage
aspen 1.1 Aspen is a filesystem router for Python web frameworks. See for framework wrappers.
A colorful replacement for `lsblk`, `gdisk -l`, `blkid`, `df`, and `mount`
that gives a complete overview of disks attached to...
aspenjinja2 0.5 UNKNOWN
aspenpystache 0.4 UNKNOWN
Command line interface for IBM Aspera products
aspergil 1.0.0b12 # aspergil Utlility script to set an Ubuntu machine’s name and ip address
asphalt 4.12.0 Asphalt is an asyncio based microframework for network oriented applications. Its highlight features are:
asphaltexceptions 2.2.0 This Asphalt framework component provides a pluggable means to send exception reports to external...
asphaltpy4j 4.0.0 This Asphalt framework component provides the ability to run Java code directly from Python....
asphaltredis 4.1.0 This Asphalt framework component provides connectivity to Redis database servers. It is a wrapper...
asphaltweb 1.3.1 This Asphalt framework component provides integrations for various web frameworks, enabling them to make...
asplode 1.0.1 Recursively decompress archives
This SDK allows you to work with Aspose.3D Cloud REST APIs in your Ruby applications quickly and easily, with zero...
Aspose.Barcode for Cloud is a REST API for barcode generation and recognition. It helps you generate barcode images from scratch...
asposebarcodecloud 24.8.0 Aspose.BarCode Cloud SDK for Python API...
asposecadcloud 24.5.2 Aspose.CAD Cloud Python SDK Aspose.CAD Cloud is a true REST API that enables you...
Aspose Cloud SDK for Ruby allows you to use Aspose API in your Ruby applications
Ruby library for communicating with the Aspose.Diagram Cloud API
No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen
AsposeDiagramJava is a Ruby gem that helps to create, load, save and manipulate Microsoft Visio drawings using Aspose.Diagram for Java...
Aspose.Email Cloud is a REST API for creating email applications that work with common email file formats.
This repository contains Aspose.HTML Cloud SDK for ruby source code.
asposehtmlcloud 22.12.1 Aspose.HTML Cloud SDK for Python This repository contains Aspose.HTML Cloud SDK for Python source...
When you need robust image processing features into your Ruby application, but do not have time&resources to develop complex imaging...
asposeimagingcloud 22.4.0 Image Processing in Cloud via Python REST API Aspose.Imaging Cloud is a true REST...
AsposeTasksJava is a Ruby gem that helps working with Microsoft Project documents using Aspose.Tasks for Java libraries
aspose words cloud Aspose.Words Cloud SDK # This package contains Aspose.Words Cloud SDK for Dart (Compatible...