A small php cms.
Profiler Library Abstraction
SDK for safecrow API
Reading and writing metadata included in the EPub ebook format
The core of Lighty Framework.
External logs target for the Yii framework
Wordpress plugin to add custom post type distributor with shortcode interface to find a distributor with google map
Send your traceback on a channel of slack
Library for handling minimum system requirements in WordPress Plugins
php db library extensions
Simple PHP cURL wrapper class
Complete tagging management system
eZ Publish legacy extension providing a subscribe form for Mailchimp
Laravel5 JSONAPI and Dingo together to build APIs fast
A native PHP template system in about 50 lines.
Symfony SimpleEdmBundle
Laravel Repositories
A small library to catch exceptions and throw them all at the end
Phinx makes it ridiculously easy to manage the database migrations for your PHP app.
A library for querying data and performing statistical operations in an logical, object-oriented fashion.
Simple continuous integration for PHP projects.
This package calculates holiday dates in Croatia.
The core package for Stupidly Simple framework
auth & user management
Ansible role to install and configure mysql service on gentoo instances.
A collection of commonly used behaviors classes.
Support functional-style operations on streams of elements, such as map-reduce transformations on interators and arrays
an implementation of postfix virtual users
Messages Package
laravel 5.1 base of modules package. Controllers, Repostories etc...
Codeception To Integrate with Magento
JSON5 parser/encoder for PHP
Thaonv Taggable.
Adding Forgot Password functionalitiy to ZfcUser
The Slippry widget for the Yii framework
Yii2 wrapper for the Select2 javascript widget
Курсы валют
Provides a common wrapper for Monolog that uses rcsi/filsystem-config to dictate log paths/levels
This Bundle provide REPL shell in application context for symfony console
Ansible role to administrate mysql instances on gentoo instances.
The UniKado database DB library.
Yii 2 - Smarty HTML 5 template
Simple pagination library for web-applications.
Extends Mongo classes to better support various formats
ueditor and umeditor for Symfony 3/4.
A very easy-to-implement user access control package designed for use with Laravel and Eloquent
Laravel 5 API smsc.ru
Generate gif animation from behat selenium steps
A PHP tool to extract the cinema news from commeaucinema.com
A PSR-15 middleware for rendering JSON responses for exceptions.
A Drupal 7 ORM as headless version
php class to check user agents against monperrus/crawler-user-agents
Stripe bundle
Jasminsms web api for jcli connection.
This is a particular package that make Rajaongkir.com can be used in Laravel 5
Create or upload maps in Elgg communities
Password Handling Library
Text spinner for PHP
DreamFactory Services Platform(tm) Common Components for PHP
Method overloading for PHP objects
Mighty Asgrim's Library
DABL object oriented Query builder
A simple PHP client for interfacing with Elgg's web services
Pacote Laravel para adiministrar os 'Clientes' dentro do GDA Admin
A PHP rewrite of the fantastic Python library WTForms
SQL table datamapper classes
DABL ORM code generator
A simple PHP CAPTCHA generator, store code in redis and return base64 based image
Integration between Symfony2 and e-conomic.dk
cms configurator bundle
Yii2 Extenstion for set options
laravel graceful exit queue
Facebook login package with latest SDK for Laravel 4.2.
PHP caching implementation with tuning for cache size
Small library for the norwegian weather service yr.no
Easy and fast file sharing from the command-line brought to Composer community.
Repository Pattern for Laravel 5.2
Urban Airship Lib for Laravel
Module for adding Facebook Domain Insights to SilverStripe.
Shipping Package for StorePress
Robots.txt Generator
PHP Api for the atomx exchange.
express-tracking 快递单号状态追踪
Seo Manager for every Site
Simple Magento Message Bus Client
Nodes API scaffolding
A PHP wrapper interface to wkhtmltopdf command tool
Test Laravel packpage
Custom artisan command for Laravel 5 to help speed up you web app development