The bundle provides a way to manage test data for the Doctrine ORM
This Bundle provides abstracts and interfaces in DDD for microservice architecture
This package contains a basic user/role/right database model for TDBM.
PHP project.
Repository Pattern library based in Laravel
Guid object
debugging and modeling tool for PHP
Filter And Sorting trait
Sync Laravel Models with MailChimp as Members or Interests
HAML-like template engine for PHP 5.3
Trickster is a package for laravel that has many useful tricks that can be used for quick and easy website...
Add user ratings to Laravel 5.1 Eloquent models.
Laravel 5 Captcha Package
OAuth2 for Jira
A Behat extension that allows the use of shortcodes in step strings, tables and pystrings to translate runtime variables into...
Fucking with the repository design pattern
Doctrine 2 Workspaces
LMongo is a MongoDB package for Laravel 4.
MBSecureDisplayBundle is a small simple bundle which protect emails and phone numbers behine encryption and JavaScript
Forward tracking source on Microsites.
Web editor UI to manage Symfony2 translations (Symfony2 bundle)
Helpful collection of string formatters
Provides classes for API-first designed projects with Symfony.
Minin is a simple
PHP Wrapper for the Deadline REST API
Accounts example system gateway plugin for WordPress WooCommerce
This package contains a basic implementation of Role Base Access Control
OpenWeatherMap api tweak for Laravel
Wrapper around Symfony's Yaml parser - added __DIR__ support.
A collection of utf8-related functions
A collection of url-related functions.
A collection of math functions.
A collection of file and directory management functions.
Data Definitions allows you to define your DataObject Imports and Exports using a nice GUI and re-run the definitions as...
Close a client HTTP connection and continue script execution in background.
A PHP hydrator allowing easy mapping between an array and an object.
bundle for api common functions
Client library for Sharedown project
This custom installer allows you to manage your puppet modules with composer.
Robo scripts, to be included in thunder-infrastructure projects.
Thruster ViewBundle Bundle
Adds php-resque to Symfony2 (fork of glit/resque-bundle)
Lightweight function to easily hide printed data.
Cityware Shared Memory
Integração com a API do Mail2Easy da dinamize
wrapper for DoctrineORMModule + DoctrineModule's CLI, tailored for yaml config files
ZF2 cron module
Integrates Assetic and Twig to a ZF2 application
Backup a Textpattern CMS site
A pre-configured skeleton for the Silex microframework based on fabpot/silex-skeleton
Adapter to make File compatible with Doctrine ORM
I need my own too, way inspired
PHPUnit test case base classes for ZF2 applications.
A collection of Phing Tasks for a ZF2 app.
Symfony application deploy bundle
Email Queue supporting multiple worker, ORM and email sending platforms
Clear logs module for rah_terminal
DataTables jQuery plugin and Bootstrap 3 integration plugin
Xero OAuth 1.0 Client Provider for The PHP League OAuth1-Client
Canned Aura\Di config for Aura\Cli
A simple Dependency Injection Container based on Pimple.
Work with Vcards in a ZF2 app.
TopMcFrance Api client for PHP
Small function that can be used to sort an array of any shape. PHP7 only.
Email sending and storing library
A generator tool for IceHawk components
Multilingual inflector that can singularize and pluralize words.
Gregwar/Captcha service provider for Silex.
Use ExtJs with Symfony 2
YUI Compressor is a popular CSS and JS minifier.
Analyzes some PHP source code and tries to fix coding standards issues (PSR-1 and PSR-2 compatible)
A collection of Phing Tasks.
Parser Combinator
Social integrations plugin for AmulenCMS
Membership Provider for NETBilling
The MailGun integration for the Yii 2 framework
Equip console
verypay sdk for PHP
Onfleet delivery manager
Google Analytics Bundle for Symfony
Express Checkout SDK for PHP allows easy integration with Juspay's EC payments as a service platform
This bundle provides functionality to limit calls to actions based on rate limits
access to logistics system via kuaidi100
PHP Code Quality Tools used in Bitban projects.
SMSG is a SMS Sending package made for sending SMS used for Verification, Newsletter, Invoicing, Purchase Confirmation, etc.
Module managing user
Slim 3 framework skeleton - skeleton for a web service or an application
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