A simple libraty to change PHP directives in your application
Provides a basic PSR-6 implementation for Redis.
Manipulate Tapfiliate API using PHP
A plugin for shortcode doppelgangery.
A collection of shortcodes for building links, images, or URLs to a given post/archive of any type.
A laravel app that is built on ng-places api, it provides places in Nigeria like state, lga, city, bank, market...
Validator of domain names that uses DNS to verify the existance of a domain
Mini framework for mapping content from a source to a destination system, e.g. from Propel objects to Solr or from...
Common libraries for CORE-POS
Provides a Trumbowyg integration for you Symfony project
Unofficial port of laravel's illuminate/view.
A dashboard to show monthly service usage for a client.
A php function mocker
Console tool to ease building new versions of packages
The easiest way to add some mental magic to any part of your Laravel/Lumen app.
API para geração e comunicação com TCE SC.
Launch the user's preferred terminal editor to input or update large strings
A set of modules for improving your search results.
helper for loading toml.
The Zendesk wrapper for PHP.
The Kaiser framework for PHP
An object-oriented approach to server modification
PHP wrapper for Runkeeper Health Graph API
Yii 2 statistics module
A $dcoupled dependency injection Library
OAuth 1.0 Client for Intuit using The PHP League OAuth1-Client
A blog template for Gumdrop
Standards compliant HTML filter written in PHP
conversations around the coordinate systems used for Ordnance Survey Open Data only
Simple parser for custom tags
PHP Library for Effortless Input Validation
Kura DataBase
Standar tools for sandbox
A PHP wrapper for the Taiga.io API
ClassMethods hydrator pre-configured for is-getter
Json Web Token (JWT) Library
Authentication/authorization base classes.
Console command for setting php.ini configs
Yii2 extensions and other useful components for yii2 applications.
Provides a custom Laravel Blade directive to embed anything in the view using the Embed\Embed package.
A PHP library for processing wysiwyg/textarea output.
Notifier, direct notifications.
A Laravel package for the TaigaPHP library
Wordpress plugin to add products custom post type
Yii2 Extenstion for set seo attributes
Harvest OAuth 2.0 Client Provider for The PHP League OAuth2-Client
Bundle to integrate Sam library to Symfony
graft php
graft php framework
Endroid Form Bundle for Symfony
view component for the chilimatic-framework
This makes your event subscribers a little cleaner
Provides a Laravel caching package for content retrieved from remote server(s).
AdminLTE integration for sandbox
Redactor Icon Buttons plugin for Craft CMS
Monolyth unframework (Full) Monty installer package
Yii 2 Advanced Project Template
Kontent CMF & Eloquent ORM Integration Package
PHP5 database abstraction layer
PMVC Thumbnail Helper
A powerful Container-Interop/PSR-11 implementation of dependency injection library for PHP.
LoadBalancer training component
A wrapper for Google charts in Yii2
Alternative PHP session handler for Monolyth unframework
Flash message storage system for Monolyth unframework
Behat support package for TYPO3 Flow
Endroid Intake Bundle for Symfony
Remaining stamina of a body according to its endurance and fatigue for Drd+
Coercive Slugify Utility
Coercive File Upload Utility
A plugin to help render navigation elements consistently.
PHPLocale: Get available locale based on HTTP "Accept-Language" header
A very simple logger
Fully configurable tool to calculate and show date diff in human readable form like "2 minutes ago" or "10 minutes...
Adds twig extension for computing human readable relative date using "relative-date" library
Yii2 Alert Message
A helper plugin to help render status labels consistently.
Geonames importer and models for Eloquent ORM
A PHP framework to develop WebSocket, HTTP and FCGI Applications
Remote Asset Download Task
Memoization for Eloquent (Laravel) Models
Laravel 5 Securimage helper
Additional phpunit traits to complement Laravel testing
This bundle provides the implementation of the persistence on database using Doctrine ORM of all password requests
Fucking with the FormRequest validation
Handle the output of complex data structures ready for API output.