Example Project which shows the eloquent features brought to you by the fuzzyma/contao-eloquent-bundle
Real Username support for Magento 2
OOP wrapper for the OpenStack API
An all PHP implementation of the PECL memcached extension with SASL PLAIN Auth support
Commons functions, service, repository for Symfony 3
SwiftOtter's Widget module adds additional functionality to the Magento widget system
Reduces HTTP requests by merging files and AMD modules
FastD Event
Payline gateway for the Omnipay PHP payment processing library
CakeNews plugin for CakePHP
Set custom availability for products
Enhanced activity logger by Spatie to monitor the users of your website or application
Vietnamese language pack.
A Laravel package for multilingual models
A wrapper for PHPExcel usage in Silex 2 projects
Help to use MySQL database
php tcp locker and golang server
Image Component for Yii2
A wrapper for Jquery Sparkline in Yii2
A library for handling sets of data
A asynchronous http client without php-curl extension.
yii2 multi thread with fsockopen
Fractal helpers for Laravel 5
Common classes and utilities
A ZeroMQ broadcast driver for Laravel 5-6
Add Discus to your Magento 2 product page
UNIX-like commands implementation in PHP.
Extension of Symfony's Console Application that simplifies creation of simple, single-command PHP CLI scripts
A light weight and super fast HTTP client
Golfy PHP framework
XML sitemap plugin for Textpattern CMS
MetaModels attribute for geo tracking and configuration
Bundle implementing agile project management features in your project
Slim Request and Response extended to allow reactPHP serve a Slim framework instance
php-scaling-core-framework, basic framework to create fast, flexible and scalable web applications with PHP 7.
Define and assign list of recipients in the plugin settings. Users can send bunch of messages to them on the...
Cache breaking functionality for static resources in Flow
Wordpress plugin, brings EventDispatcher, DependencyInjection and MVC to the Wordpress.
Bootstrap Dropzonejs (www.dropzonejs.com) for Nette
Derest is a PHP5 REST client
Life Path Number Finder
A package for editing the .env file
SigeTurbo Report
Google Analytics tracking integration for Zend Framework 2
Laravel pages
SQL generator loosely based on Zend_Db_Select
Slim service for Iceberg Application v2
Iceberg Application
This is a IoC demo container. Please do not use to production enviroment.
Kohana Framework project, installable through composer
Laravel package to access caag api
DaybydayCRM is a free, open-source and self-hosted CRM platform based of Laravel
Yii2 Comments Extension
Wordpress utilities
Zend Framework 2 Module that provides Doctrine ORM functionality
dang nhap bang tai khoan google
Code login plugin for OctoberCMS
YiiMailer is a mail extensions based on Yii Framework
A Laravel package to generate a dummy model instance.
Scaffold Generator For Asasi
A standalone WCF Package Update Server
pixabay plugin
Slince Console helper
Deliver PHPMD variable lifetime rule
An tiny mvc framework
use redis.so connect Redis
This package is an installer that will download Drupal from the http://drupal.org website and unpack it at the root of...
Integerates Omnipay with Laravel and provides an easy configuration.
MVC framework
Laravel package for the localise.biz api
Symfony Redactor WYSIWYG Form Type
Common components for Omnipay payment processing library
Laravel Create Admin
The system node package for Neos CMS
Your package description here.
D3.js Symfony Bundle (http://d3js.org/) including some plugins
Stormbox Response
A database interface package for Laravel, modified!
Center for managing deployment, browse logs, exceptions etc. on production.
Symfony Datatable Bundle For Doctrine2 Entities
Generate a RAML or Swagger file from logged Requests & Responses
Allows multiple models to be rated with a fivestar like system.
Microservice client framework
Wetterwarnungen from Deutscher Wetterdienst
Laravel Inspector, debugging and profiling tools for Web Artisans
Symfony2 KunstmaanAdminNodeBundle
A bundle on top of Symfony's serializer. This supports annotations
Coercive Token time based Security