API Blueprint documentation generator.
A RESTful API package for the Laravel and Lumen frameworks.
a simple set of useful tools
Easily configurable Magento Vagrant. Hypernode development environment.
Api Extra functionalities (Symfony 2 bundle)
This Symfony bundle provides classes to generate preview image for office files like .doc, .docx, .xls and others. It contains...
A Laravel package, helps to log into database and send email alerts
BaconUser provides simple user management
Gigya SDK
Bamboo, an e-commerce suite built with Elcodi
Ibercheck API SDK
NuSOAP re-packaged for Packagist/Composer based on Fergusean with all pull request merged on July 2016.
This is a set of useful helper function in one place packed to use with Yii2 framework. It will save...
Feehi CMS Project Template
Peach Payments OPPWA php library
Export your mask elements as extension
PSR-7 compatible flat-file CMS
Google reCAPTCHA Validator Package for Laravel Framework
Simple HTML DOM clone with clean namespaces.
Symfony Transparent Pixel Response
Simple workflow bundle for Symfony2
DI framework; implements container-interop
Micro PHP FTP tool
Magento (1.9.x) - Redirect customer group to specific store url after login.
Date range picker UI widget.
Adds an Open Graph tag manager to the Reliv Content Manager.
eZ Publish Legacy Paypal Payment Gateway extension
PHP Problem Logger: Exception and Error Logging with full runtime information.
QA for TIVWP Updater
Redis Symfony2 Queue Bundle, a simple and soft redis based message queue for symfony2
Symfony bundle that glues FileBundle and Matthias Noback's SimpleBus
Adapter to make File compatible with Matthias Noback's SimpleBus
MageHost_RewriteFix: Solves a problem most big ‪#‎Magento‬ 1.x shops face: an ever growing huge URL Rewrite table.
Laravel Post-Form Objects
A open source token based authentication system
Sphinx search bundle for Symfony 2
Block.io is the easiest way to create wallets, send, and accept payments through Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Dogecoin. This is its...
Laravel API Starter Kit for JJSoft Platform
Bundle for the contao-eloquent-example-project which shows the eloquent features brought to you by the fuzzyma/contao-eloquent-bundle
Yii2 helper for creating and caching thumbnails on real time
Crawl the web with kohana or phantomjs.
Extracts video and audio data from files using getId3()
Asynchronous data channels for Recoil.
A simple RPG framework for PHP.
Basic hash library
An all PHP implementation of the PECL memcached extension with SASL PLAIN Auth support
RBAC Auth manager for Yii2
Collector Bank PHP library
The small UniKado URL routing library.
ddd wordpress model
Symfony Raindrop SoapBundle
PAYONE Payment Plug-In for Shopware version 5
just some randoms stuff
Debug Print
A collection of wrappers over standard PHP functions to allow dependecy injection-based mocking
This is a wrapper for interaction with Authorize.net Cim Apis
ActiveRecord model behavior that allows to work with tree data.
Discord OAuth 2.0 Client Provider for The PHP League OAuth2-Client - Revisioned from Teamreflex's Discord Provider
ZF2 Module that provides helpers for using Zend's RSA encryption library and managing keys
Sticky menu PHP composer package for all newer PT themes.
Some classes to improve development
Tornado Http Skeleton Application
A PHP library providing pretty printing JSON strings for PHP < 5.4
The IOT SDK for Aliyun OpenAPI
Unofficial PHP SDK for Skyscanner's API
PHP Client for Solaris platform
Bridge for using query bus extension of simple-bus in symfony
A skeleton application for the Pop Web Application Framework, using Bootstrap Material Icons and Font Awesome frameworks.
A mockable singleton behavior trait
A PHP5 library to interact with the API of Dolist CRM
PHP Wrapper for using the Ionic Platform API.
The Core SDK for Aliyun OpenAPI
Adaptable and extensible testing framework for PHP
CarweB API consumer in PHP
PHP library to communicate with the DHL XML Services.
This is OrientDB driver for Laravel 5
An agnostic package to get different countries, states and counties.
nested for jquery with action
Cache post queries for WordPress
Yii2 Extenstion for GridView toggle column
Generates XML to import as Gmail filters.
A PHP library to create HTML documents using PHP syntax
GhazyImportBundle Is a Symfony2 Bundle than allow you to import your classic mysql database to a doctrine2 generated database.