Basic http layer.
Basic helpers for phpspec.
A wrapper for Composer to call its commands programmatically using a simple object oriented API
HTML Tag library
Makes weew/router configurable trough config files.
Basic helpers to deal with curl resources and responses.
Simple event system.
Dependency injection container.
Simple command bus.
A bundle for logging to non-default files in Symfony2/3
A bundle for CSV file creation in Symfony2/3
Simple configuration loader.
Extendable http client.
Responsive Data Mapper for PHP
Extensions for SugarCRM to more easily and flexibly manipulate data
A bundle for emulating materialized views in MySQL, made for Symfony2/3 and Doctrine
A bundle for Symfony2/3 that loads email contents from an external file. Includes wildcard parsing
Repository pattern package based in laravel 5.2. Created to study.
Dependency Injection Container
SEO manager, sitemap generator
Report management package in PHP that aims to help you export information in a variety of formats
A simple consumer for the HaveIBeenPwned API written in PHP.
Butterfly PHP. Fixtures Component
Build and Invoke Classes
Helper Functions,Objects for use with the KodCube Packages
Middleware Command Bus
A php tool to extract keywords from plain text
Bitrix component
Getters and setters made easy by rule bound magic methods. Support for Read-only public properties.
On-the-fly generated web images for your Nette app
Gpio library implementing Carica Io Devices
A custom printer for PHPUnit.
Form Manager
Convenient seo-titles assembler for your web application
Provides a interfaces for building integrity checks for your app
Ecommerce tools for sandbox
Info Module for the Attogram Framework
Asasi foundation
Some NodeTypes for the Neos CMS
Facebook PHP SDK Wrapper for CLI
You can access and manage dribbble api with this package
Install your favourite PHP frameworks using only one installer.
Make doctrine repositories injectable in the weew/container.
PHPTAL integration for Expressive
A simple and clean library to get informations from your gearman jobserver.
composer libraries package
Mock.php is a simulation data generator for API
Client for Yandex.Direct API v5
A simple Restful library intended for novice developers
'This Is How I Role' is a PHP role management system that can be applied to any class.
Fix for magento2 issue 4795
Yii2 jodit editor Extension
Image Library for Luba
Container integration for the weew/commander package.
A short description of what your package does
Base module for extending Magento2 mail features
Magento2 Command-Line Tools For Staging Support
Extend shockwave mail by usage of dropbox storage
Extend shockwave mail
Post module
Zotero v3 API wrapper
Generate friendly thumbs from url with parameters
Simple Buffer API package for Laravel 5.*.
Console application skeleton.
A simple package that abstracts away the process of connecting to a database using PDO and interacting with the connection
Varbase Behat is a standalone testing framework, with a set of Gherkin Features and custom Varbase Context with custom step...
Starter for a dockerized Slim Framework application
Current symfony2 bundle generates events inside the application based on timers stored in DB.
Fast REST API implementation for symfony 2 / 3
The package lays the basis for the simple manipulation of ID3 tags.You can define readers and writers to manipulate the...
Twig integration for the weew/app package.
Very minimalistic wrapper for a php application.
CLI Tools for the Phalcon Framework
State machine renderer
This package patches some Laravel 5.2 related issues with Entrust and is not maintained any longer. DO NOT INSTALL ON...
Filters tags created / modified to be displayed in Tag cloud by time.
A remarkably magical form package for Laravel.
Cryptography tools for Laravel and Lumen
The easies way to deal with PHP function name inconsistency
MultiColumn System for Neos. Please bring your own css
FuzeWorks Framework Core
Storing data in the file system with PHP
API bindings for MyTarget
Collection of useful php command line helpers.
Integration of the monolog/monolog package into weew/app package.
The Hymate PHP common functions
Widget Manager
mini framework php