Simple L4 Scaffold/Framework for a (Group) Messaging System
Managing assets via PSR-7
A PHP wrapper for the Amazon Dynamo NoSQL database platform
A Post bundle for a $dcoupled Wordpress Application
Inspiring You The Next - A Product Of UROSD Lab
Laravel Chat modified from socieboy/chat
Utility belt for common tasks in Google App Engine for PHP.
A PHP version 7+ ACL Component
Yii2 extension enables you to use RabbitMQ with native Yii2 syntax
CakePHP webservice implementation for GitHub
A Laravel Package to use Khipu ( modified from freshworkstudio/khipu-laravel all base rights for freshworkstudio
Tags Dictionary
The NGames Framework is a simple PHP framework developped for the websites and
Composer package for Tifon's Khipu Library ( modified for personal use all rights for them
Yii 2 Validator that validates string contents for count, blacklist and whitelist.
Complete rating management system
Symfony RoutingBundle
An easy-to-use PHP Unit Testing framework.
A PHP ...
PHP API for Neato Botvac robot vacuum cleaner
Small set of libs for session, header, cookie and post handling.
UglifyJS Plugin Framework for Fast Developpement for PHP
Laravel Ratchet Router
This plugin does fuck all
YeePHP is a framework designed for Web Developers in mind, without overwhelming your Apps or API Projects with overheads which...
GovPayNet driver for the Omnipay payment processing library
Yii 2 Advanced Project Template
Provides integration between Doctrine entities and Laravel Validator.
Pecl amqp extension transport for EventBand
SamsonFramework service container
Swagger integration to Lumen 5
A YeePHP application skeleton
restful json api creation using strict hack
A powerful financial API. Hang with me, and I’ll help you connect to the tax authority (SAT) and most banks...
Access private properties in unit tests
Detect an application's environment
Create an opaque token
Laravel 4 registry manager for application configurations and settings
A class to extract variables in identically formatted string with only small differences
A bundle for Symfony2/3 that allows to use Delegation pattern while constructing other reusable bundles
Symfony AjaxAutocompleteBundle
Piecewise math functions
A set of numbers between two endpoints
Get browser information
Simple math functions
Authorize access-control-list (ACL) group
A meta-package that indicates a requirement for native error handling.
Resize images with predefined sizes
A set of classes for connecting to a Wordpress database and querying it. The point of this library is to...
Laravel activity log viewer
A meta-package that indicates support for both native, and exception-based error handling.
self-use laravel api tool
A mail lib using PHPMailer for the tk libs
abstraction over facebook SDK page feed
get video from video sites
smart filemanager module for yii2
Bamboo, an e-commerce suite built with Elcodi
Droid plugin droid-debconfdb
WordPress Installation Blueprint (Including recurrent plugins etc.)
Fakturoid PHP library
Joomla extension for phpspec
Mock for drupal variable functions variable_(set,get,del)
Wechat Open Platform SDK
Minimalistic Autoloader, PSR-0 complient.
Allows to select multiple alternative files for a sys_file_reference.
Add methods to responses on laravel
阿里云 OSS 官方 SDK 的 Composer 封装,支持任何 PHP 项目,包括 Laravel、Symfony、TinyLara 等等。
PHP router as simple as can be
It helps to manage your app options/settings
Configure WordPress email settings (SMTP, MAIL_TO)
Simple URL routing library.
JSON-LD Processor for PHP
Libreria para envios de correo usando K2Framework
A $dcoupled Wordpress Application Page Bundle
Robots.txt Component
PHP library that simplifies file uploading process to external APIs
A bundle for Symfony2/3 that handles file uploads to Amazon S3
A PHP7 library for (de-) hydrating objects using api descriptions.
Logic to reset password
WordPress Theme Blueprint
Generate basic CRUD boilerplate
CakePHP CMS backend theme.
Biblioteka programistyczna pozwalająca na dekodowanie danych z dowodów rejestracyjnych pojazdów samochodowych zapisanych w formie kodu AZTEC 2D.
The Laravel 5 E commerce Admin Features.
Validate http requests, input-data and method arguments at runtime using self-documenting code
A console wrapper for the flex command
Laravel Framework package for using Solarium
Simple class to work with database