Set of components and libraries, that powers up RocketFirm websites
Gearman utilities for CakePHP
PHP client for submitting SMO data to Edurep via SOAP.
RabbitMQ module for Zend Framework
PHP sdk for replacing affiliate links
A database translations implementation for Laravel 5, forked from hpolthof/laravel-translations-db
A demo plugin for Cachet
Front end validation for web forms
A Symfony bundle for working with Comindware Tracker
Allows creating Laravel modules for better project structure
for routing
Pure PHP implementation of Pokemon Go encrypt.c
PHP Queue Process Manager
PHP Mustache Implementation
Allow frontend developper to see in which template the html has been generated by adding template reference in the output...
OpenAPI (Swagger) specification generator for PHP.
Simple token wall middleware for Laravel
php-database-table-upgrader, An database upgrader for upgrade mysql table structures automatically. You dont have to write CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE querys...
Fancy and customizable colorpicker plugin for Twitter Bootstrap
Novuso Common Symfony Bundle
tkl data import product persister
This is a set of tools for integrating WordPress with your framework of choice.
This is a plugin for composer that allows you to generate a client from a given swagger definition
Alias-Loader for handling fractal @handle's in twig and callable handler for the accompanied node module
A CAS Server form Single Sign On (SSO) implemented as a Laravel Package.
Common library for Linio projects using Zend Expressive
EMC Fileinput Bundle
PHP library for work with PCRecruiter RESTful API
Integration of the biplane/yandex-direct with Symfony2
Zend Framework 3 permissions acl abstraction
Zend Framework 3 authentication abstraction
View Blocks for Extasy
Example Skeleton Application for Hazaar MVC
LaneWechat 在常驻内容的应用中有很大问题,并且composer引入后还需要改代码,哎,所以需要改动,LaneWeChat is WeChat development package for PHP,这是一个为快速开发微信应用而生的PHP框架。将微信的开发者功能根据文档进行了封装。为了快速开发的目的,开发者完全不需要要知道具体是如何实现的,只需要简单的调用方法即可
Easy to change Permalink of custom post type.
Nuclio Debug Plugin
Nuclio Cache Plugin
Nuclio Application Plugin
Nuclio Application Controller Plugin
Nuclio Annotations Reader Plugin
Simple pretty print for variable
Nuclio System Process Plugin
Nuclio Provider Manager Plugin
Nuclio YouTube Plugin
Nuclio Amazon Elastic Transcoder Plugin
Nuclio Logger Plugin
Nuclio Logger Monolog Logger Driver
Nuclio HTTP Socket Plugin
Nuclio HTTP Request Plugin
Nuclio Event Dispatcher Plugin
Nuclio Email Plugin
Client library for Google APIs
Paginator bundle for Symfony2 to automate pagination and simplify sorting and other features
Generic text pattern matcher component.
Nuclio Workflow Plugin
Nuclio Version Control Plugin
Nuclio User Plugin
Nuclio Upload Plugin
OAuth2 library for moodle
Drupal info file parser
Nuclio User Profile Plugin
File upload functionality for Symfony
یک اکستشن آماده برای تابع jdf
A handsome replacement for print_r & var_dump. Debugging output with understated style.
Parse ranges provided by Poczta Polska in their PNA list
A standard template for a PHP console app using Symfony\Component\Console
Provides a way to sort your admin listing
Отправка смс сообщений через сервис smsimple
CRUD for a firm clients
Database helpers for Laravel sites.
Composer plugin in order to add extra features when installing a drupal website
CakePHP 3.x - Markdown Documents
Zend Framework 3 mail abstraction
Json Decode Helper for Zend Framework 3
EasySize magento extension
PHP package that allows you to parse strings as sequences
Onfleet API client
Makes it easy to develop frontends based on the terrific concept
Caore classes for Ouat Application 5
StateMachine for Magento2
Library used to perform merges between normalized array structures.
A PHP collections for your classes
CakePHP skeleton app for AdminLTE Theme
Laravel service provider
Fedora PHP Autoloader
A Twig extension for the lorempixel service
CRUD Generator for Laravel 5.x with GUI interface.