apollo16 core module component
An inclusive plugin to handle certain types of meta data through the siteconfig, as well as better and expanded handling...
A simple JSend implementation
A simple yet configurable contact page
A useful set of HTML and Form macros with css and js made for bootstrap
Testplate for webforge for base testcases
Bugmail - Exception mailer for Laravel
An implementation of the HTTP HMAC Spec in PHP that integrates with popular libraries such as Symfony and Guzzle. Different...
Phalcon Mailer Module.
First test of connection to Microsoft Graph API 1.0
framework php para projetos em geral de pequeno porte
Yahoo extenion for yii2-authclient
Symfony FOSJsRoutingBundle rmzamora forked
Extend Laravel 5's generators scaffold using AdminLTE2. Fork from Fernando Brito
PHP parser for arrow functions
Symfony bundle for fetching the user which is currently logged in
A PHP interface to Google's Cloud Vision API.
Api para la búsqueda y reserva de paquetes turísticos de Tour Operadores.
Alert pNotify plugin, flash alerts integrated in Laravel.
Wsdl Client write in a nice and a simple way
Symfony2 bundle for image resizing.
Vkontakte PHP SDK
Notification system integration
Powerful package for handling roles and permissions in Laravel 6
Afterpay API integration exposed via Laravel5 services'
Robo task wrapper for ESLint
Multisite visitor tracking.
Adds DataTables functionality to Symfony2
Command line utility to scrape from the terminal
Material design style framework
Estonian DigiDoc Service
A collection of classes to manage the details of File System tasks.
Alipay gateway for Omnipay payment processing library
mPDF wrapper for Laravel 5
This bundle provides a form type based on Summernote, a WYSWYG editor
log4j like logging configuration for the monolog framework
Symfony2 Bundle to implement Feature Flags to your Application
The Authentication layer for Hazaar MVC
Contao content blocks extension
Simple Daemon for PHP
Easy image upload and thumbnail management
An ultra simple & lightweight library for making RESTful api's easier in PHP.
Simple API to work with calendar APIs
jQuery 2.0.x module
Laravel 5 Upvote/Downvote system
Emails reader library
Tools to use full-text search PostgreSQL in Doctrine.
Helper class to build FontAwesome icons
A backport of Spatie's Laravel-ActivityLog to PHP 5.6
Demo on how to create a package for laravel.
Make sure you have a schema prefix in input/url
A library for creating Html via chainable PHP objects.
This is a php SDK for the My Race Pass API
A CLI framework for module based PHP code. Also has numerous Magento 2 code generation commands.
A Telegram bot's API implementation as component of Yii2
Offers: File Metadata, Server http file with resume, Enum, zf2 config reader, observer pattern, zf3 custom config autoload and string...
Minimalistic framework for PHP7
Package to debug everything in PHP
Client PHP pour la plateforme Djanoa.
PHP overloading
Helpers to write Selenium tests in Laravel.
PHP library to encode and decode JSON
FreeGoIP - A PHP wrapper for FreeGoIP reverse geolocation API.
Adds the ability to insert iframes using SilverStripe's "Insert Media" form
The legacy version of the Laravel mcrypt encrypter (for 5.1 - 5.3).
Apache Solr Wrapper for Zend Framework
RUles for PHP
PHP library that allows you benchmark and compare the performance of functions
Widgets for Yii2 framework
Base build settings for the CyberSpectrum build toolchain
xhgui integration for Drush
Framework in PHP
Pure PHP implementation of SOAP 1.1 and 1.2 server
Yii2 Base Application
Lithium Library for the Facebook API
Crappy class to manage errors and exceptions
JavascriptRouting Service Provider provides easy way to access your routes inside Javacript files. It's cool because putting your routes inside...
Meiosis API Library for PHP
Manages aliased copies of your composer dependencies
sql diff tool.
A Slack user invite service provider for Laravel