CakePHP 3 plugin to provide basic support for building REST API services
Implement authorisation checks based on the model Facebook uses for privacy controls for content (simple users and groups system).
Laravel service provider
Simple authentification controller for SF2
this is an empty package
Symfony bundle for Lemon Way PHP SDK
Little helpful classes for lempls projects.
Implements _getch and _ungetch for windows and linux using ffi
Biblioteca para resolver dependencias de classes
Bundle containing CLI commands for Lendo projects usage
Common domain for Lendo services, including event engine and read model engine
FitBit OAuth 2.0 Client Library based heavily upon djchen/oauth2-fitbit & heyitspavel/fitbitphp
PHP common and useful Utilities(Helpers)
Create text
Manage post
Runs tasks in a parallel processing workerpool.
Multicraft API client library for PHP
Kiyoh/ klantenvertellen bundle to handle invite/review queries.
The Gaudigame Engine
A weather sdk
This is library for Laravel, that implements Yandex SpeechKit Cloud
Weibo oauth plugin for php_cas_server
API for simply RESTful communication
Repository Pattern library based in Laravel
qingyun cloud php sdk
Seed all countries/cities from database. Searchable DB tree, ready to use API & a bonus vue.js component!
Simple PHP MVC Library
A PHP Wrapper For The TurboShip Authenticate API
Provides automated listing component for Tide Drupal 8 distribution
Parse complex dice rolls from strings.
A modern OAuth2 Client Library.
Magento2 Bahasa Indonesia Language Pack (id_ID)
Laravel Nova resource tool to view user's data from intercom
Compact collection of numbers to string
E-commerce cart system
Simple echo & file-based logger
Qiwi p2p gateway for Omnipay payment processing library
Yoomoney driver for Omnipay PHP payment library
Part of a crappy framework, providing formerly useful classes. Will be removed soon
a valorant api wrapper for php
Simple logger that sends debugging information to the file, to the screen, via email
bundle user
Authorize users in your application with multiple OAuth 2.0 providers.
MVC de permissões para o template Gentelela
a laravel library for aliyun oss
PHP client
Adds a DS/TF branded login screen to Contao
Behat extention for RabbitMQ
Helper to test custom WP-CLI commands by bootstrapping WP-CLI in PHPUnit
Yii PHP Framework extension that utilizes the FullCalendar js library to be used as a widget.
A Pub-Sub abstraction for Laravel
Wraps Elastica's ResultSet objects.
Extract key and value types using PHP Attributes for array class properties. This dispense the use of PhpDocExtractor for typed...
A tool to automatically converts PSR-0 and non-standard autoload to PSR-4.
This library provides simple way to interact with Tron TRC20 token.
Service locator
Validate your input
simple JIRA command line interface(CLI)
envoyer des messages aux clients a l'aide d'aws
phpQuery is a server-side, chainable, CSS3 selector driven Document Object Model (DOM) API based on jQuery JavaScript Library
PHP Application
Overrides standard browser dialog window for Yii2 Framework.
An efficient swoole framework
You can use this repo to advance integrate your website with LetoChat Platform.
SPiD Client
laravel 5 profiler
Simple background job creator
Livewire component to show models/data according to its current status
Parasut API v4 client for PHP
A fork of the official AWeber API client library.
DI friendly wrappers for common encoders.
Highly opinionated PHP toolchain.
Backup and restore databases. Encrypting dumps. Save dumps to db and uploading to Dropbox. Restore dump from Dropbox.
Package to connect with PIX Api from Gerencianet
Mii rest extension
Mii table widget
Url helper for php/go-resizer
A simple implementation of enumerated types.
Read database schema, table and column metadata in Laravel or plain PHP.
ElephantIO Service Provider for the Silex PHP Microframework
PHPCI plugin for Telegram
Biblioteca de integração com o Correios.
A library for consuming the SOAP WSColiPosteLetterService