Flash notifications
test project in composer
Clickhouse migrations for laravel/lumen based on clickhouse-builder
Laravel OData request parser
Make easy query builder / eloquent queries based on requests for API Response
Mpesa G2 Api Laravel Negotiator
Wix driver for Laravel Socialite
Sends monolog notifications via given closure
Simple file downloader
Instagram2VK.com Reposter is a library to post instagram pictures to VK.com community's wall
Zwig converts Twig templates into executable JavaScript
A weather SDK.
A PHP Client for the Dynalist API
PHP SDK for the elefunds API.
A PHP wrapper for loading pages through PhantomJS
A lite logger for PHP. make log easier to use.
my package test
tools class
Another gpx file parser
Biblioteca de integração com o gateway de pagamento PagSeguro.
One solution for image uploads. Fork for https://github.com/sahusoftcom/eloquent-image-mutator
Mutlucell SMS API wrapper for sending sms text messages for Laravel 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 and 4.
Using cdn for images on the website
Single file database
Swaddle acts as a wrapper around unknown collections of key-value pairs.
This is a helper for wechat.
Improve Yii DB typecast
The liansu Framework.
RBAC manager for Yii framework
Library for working with sms services
Simple PHP PDO CRUD and table maker.
Sojf Routing Component
Libcast API client
Simple client for InfluxDB
JobQueue is a PHP component that queues `tasks` defining `jobs` which can be executed by asynchronous and/or distributed `workers`
FreedomCore VK API Library
PHP library to communicate with the DHL XML Services.
Rest API Client for Someline Starter
a test package
Cron Job plugin for CakePHP
The LibertyPHP Datamapper. Simple and powerful datamapper for MySQL and PostgreSQL.
Add user managing and roles by Rbac to Libra CMS
Librarian's built-in help command
This repository is a PHP Symfony flex bundles for ZGW Referentielijsten https://redocly.github.io/redoc/?url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/VNG-Realisatie/VNG-referentielijsten/master/src/openapi.yaml\&nocors#section/Selectielijst
The helper class for Laravel (4/5) applications to get active class base on current route
the new thinkphp framework
my test mysql connect
Resources controller with Eloquent Laravel Repository implementation.
CRM Bundle for Symfony with Email management
full stack package allow deep permission system
Eloquent model which manages files.
Push notification center
A php framework for Trellmor's websites
Display formatting functions
CSS, Javascript e Fonts
Alibaba supplier pay sdk for PHP laravel
Encrypting values such as passwords and short messages
Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you. and add the zh_text
Laravel Orientdb Driver
Simple Symfony bundle to generate avatars.
yii2 forms
This is first hello world package to host on packagist.
laravel idempotent
Create text
Yii framework alipay
Symgrid is a Symfony data grid bundle.
Wechat office sdk with composer.json and psr4
A set of common Laravel Uteq helpers and macros
A package to allow laravel/passport use with jenssegers/laravel-mongodb
Test package
php腾讯即时通讯 IM
PHP SDK for Aimtell
Simple SendGrid wrapper for sending only
QuickBooksOnline OAuth 2.0 Client Provider for The PHP League OAuth2-Client
Kirby plugin for automatic slug invalidation in AWS CloudFront
Alipay SDK for Laravel
Api connection to Google cloud print for Laravel
Light SAML2 Symfony bridge for IDP bundle
light's project skeleton
some useful traits that i used everyday
MuniciPAY 2.0 driver for the Omnipay payment processing library
Handle messages in RabbitMQ consumers in a safe and effective way
generate color from the word.
Enables to define routes via the @Route(...) annotation
The Lighty Panel.