Multiple auth driver for Laravel 5
This package will add the `dd` and `dump` helpers to your Phalcon application.
Extend Yii2-taxonomy-term (by mhndev) by adding term definition (tags, properties). The extension complete the original module by adding behavior to...
A simple object orientated wrapper for the Zenfolio API
Zend\Acl based firewall system for ZF2 dispatch protection
ADR pattern implementation for Laravel. Designed for
A simple class that provide some functions to manipulate arrays.
A simple PHP Api for the Ahgora system
Easy deploy script for php-based projects
Skype Bot CLI & Library Client
Provides a convenient way to filter through your models.
Provides a convenient way to cast and transform your models for API purposes.
Simple password generation package
crcms category module
Library for handling user authentication
Aramex API client
The g11n language library
Library for validation json-documents according some specific rules
Create a chicken in 4 hours with NO external dependencies or extensions.
Yii2,wanpinghui, shorturl
Replacement for default Mysqli class to allow viewing a parameterized query with the arguments inserted into the string
Given app secret and client id, returns the user's accessToken and user information from Facebook's AccountKit Graph User API. The...
PHP Lib for formatting currencies according to currency code
This is some phalcon utils
Menu bootstrap creator/builder. Sort by drag and drop
Port of the yii-multilingual-behavior for yii
Payone Magento Extension
thinkphp authentication
Thumb Generator for WideImage
Component to enalbe access to HPOO REST API.
A unified library for workerman/gateway-worker and workerman/gateway-worker-for-win
pattern matching for php
Symfony SEO bundle : create title and meta html tag with the request attributes
Types of PHP variables.
A composer package version of the Onfido php library.
This is the api for moneysend
Profiler API for PHP plus extension for Yii2 framework
It is a class to gain easy access to Runtastic ( activity data via PHP. This is a very dirty...
Bundle for Symfony2 from Colorize library
Languages module. Plaza API Client
Notifications plugin for pimcore.
Contentinum library for Symfony and contentinum manage content application
Reset database removing categories, products, orders, customers and reviews.
Send SMS messages to your Free Mobile device.
User framework
Tiny PHP framework for quickly creating webapps, inspired by Rubys Sinatra
PHP wrappers for Accredible ACMS API
PrestaShop - Reminder
Yii2 url manager with supporting multi languages.
This is a composer metapackage which includes WordPress plugins for security.
React tag
Implementation of the `nia/sql-adapter` component using PDO. The implementation allows you to separate your PDO connection into a read and...
composer plugin to manage needed tools, such as PHPUnit or PhantomJS.
lazyValidator will start the next group of rules if the current is clear
generate php slug from text
Secret Santa for PHP
Data formatter for mapper
time library
A framework agnostic PHP library to convert several units
Huqis template engine
a phalcon porject for ext-phalcon
A simple implementation of enumerated types.
Localization support for laravel projects.
Breadcrumb builder.
simple symfony and apache log viewer
Symfony bundle that integrates Intercom
Ansible Role to install java on gentoo systems.
GLAVWEB.cms SilexCmsContentBlock package
Extract text from a pdf
GLAVWEB.cms SilexCmsRestClient package
GLAVWEB.cms Rest Client
GLAVWEB.cms Content Block
this is a Upyun api
Pagon Framework
This is a provider for silex 2.0 add purge to cache
Message sender by Acfun, Inc.
OAuth2 Server for PHP
Zend Framework module for converting PDF documents via
Zend Framework 2 module for converting PDF documents via
With this extension you can build your own industry directory
GLAVWEB.cms CmsCompositeObject package
Predefined build tasks for php projects using ant and composer.
GLAVWEB.cms SilexGuzzleHttp package
GLAVWEB.cms SilexCmsCompositeObject package
Subrip file parser for PHP
PHPWord - A pure PHP library for reading and writing word processing documents (OOXML, ODF, RTF, HTML, PDF)
Simple GD Library class for resizing images
An eloquent way of importing and exporting Excel and CSV in Laravel 4 with the power of PHPExcel