lib for dekuan image server
String normalization library for PHP.
Provides a translation loader that uses doctrine ORM
Running.FM Core Library
Export data from old ecoop/ibank databases
simple alert notifications with sweet alert and animate.css for laravel
affilinet Product Data PHP SDK
Helper for interacting with JSON Lines
A Laravel 4 wrapper for iDeal v3.3.1 (SEPA)
Symfony bundle integrating the Psi Grid component
This Bundle provides basic templates
zoho crud
Performant pure-PHP AMQP (RabbitMQ) sync/async (ReactPHP) library
PHPUnit sweetened with ease
PHP_CodeSniffer sweetened with ease
Library for handling scripted upgrades to a web application
Implementa uma API para criação, manipulação e desenho de códigos de barras utilizados pela Federação Brasileira dos Bancos (Febraban)
Provides a Objected-Oriented API to create, draw and manipulate barcode data using DHL (Deutsche Post) standards
Nemid package for php
A composer cleanup plugin, to remove tests and documentation to save space
Drupal Console Brazilian Portuguese
A PHP library for interacting with the Steam Community website (
TelkomID oAuth2 library
SimpleStripe makes it easier than ever to integrate basic Stripe-powered payments into a site. With only a small amount of...
Running.FM FileSystem Library
Drupal Console Chinese Tradicional
A Magento 2 module donate the some amount to charity to some foundation.
my awesome project must have an awesome description
Front end templating for rapidly developing prototypes
RedSys driver for the Omnipay payment processing library
Base themplate Yii 2
CakePHP CMS config plugin.
Cropper jQuery image cropping tool for Elgg
Composer distribution of Selenium Server Standalone, the browser automation framework. Adds a executable to your composer bin directory.
Yii2 simple queue
API generator for laravel 5
PHP-CS-Fixer sweetened with ease
A benchmark tool for php
Bunch of PHP codestyle linters sweetened with ease
A libaray for exporting csv file easily
just a test of some TDD and namespacing
The bootstrap filestyle extension for the Yii framework
web php stat sdk
Sencha Touch
Checks a MySQL database for orphaned records or invalid foreign keys, i.e., keys pointing to missing rows.
File functionality.
A Magento 2 module which exposes a products average ratings and rating count as an extension attribute
Ldap (Active Directory) authentication for Laravel 5
Kerisy framework boilerplate
Pacote de integração para o iPag webservice 1.0 em PHP
Extend TCEMAIN.clearCacheCmd width some userfull options like using of aliases, clearing whole branches, clearing pages on the ground of their...
TranslationHUB Api Client For PHP
My Webinar API client for platform v3
Help to convert date and time
The Admin Interface Development Kit for Laravel
a holiday utility
Sami sweetened with ease
Game server & VoIP server management tool
A basic starting point for a flexible commentable system in Laravel
PHP DBFact is a (wrapper)class to communicate with DBFact.
Laravel Plus Admin theme
A simple, single database multi-tenancy solution for Laravel 5.2+
Android GCM Push Notification Channel
This package allows you to easly send SMS via VoipCheap service
A library for generating SpotORM entities from existing database tables.
Wrapper over the SNMP extension.
URL Query filters for REST APIs
Integração ao redecard
Integração ao bradesco
Classes that can be used with 'vs-remote-debugger' Visual Studio Code extension
Little helpful classes for lempls projects.
PHP SDK wrapper for ORTC (Realtime pub/sub framework from
Responsive admin theme for PyroCMS 3 built with AdminLTE 2
A PHP client for the Databowl Validation API (VAPI)
Some useful twig extensions
Framework Agnostic Queue System
powerormfake generates dummy data when using PowerOrm. An extension of Faker library
Miaoxing develop scripts
Library for tp5 tree
A CDN extension for Yii2.
Yahoo Japan Yconnect library
crcms log
Wayback Machine ( API wrapper
Yii2 wechat
Custom Collection for laravel with useful functions