Yii2 Modules
wanpinghui, alidayu
The bundle for collecting common libraries and everything else
This project holds a collection of useful PHP classes grouped in components to be used in any PHP5.3+ project.
Error handler with PSR-7 support
Laravel passwordless authentication for Laravel
saxulum a silex skeleton, very symfony2 like
Provide configurable Mail Transport Factories for ZF2
iDealService is module for Zend Framework 2 that aims to free shop owners from specific acquirers 'lock-in'.
Package to aid in the inclusion of css and js
The CMS based on Laravel Framework 5.4
Collection of shared LESS mixins for all apps and addOns.
Add description here
DataTables adapter for Phalcon Framework
Markup customizable elements
Laravel package to create navigation menus, based on KnpLabs/KnpMenu. Fork of dowilcox/KnpMenu-Laravel package
Module for subscribe on newsletter
Kiwi Text Module
AWS adapter for Yii
Library to help interaction with Nuance Speech Recognition services
Scan urls and report inaccessible urls.
Import JSON Line into MySQL database
BBCode Helper for easy input the BBcode without memorizing everything
Adobe Connect library for PHP applications
A user password recovery bundle for Symfony3
Symfony Core Non Relational Database Bundle
__toString on steroids.
Cache-busting URLs made easy
Lime parser generator
Qlurk is a simple to use Plurk library
Check urls contained in a file / Crawl sitemap.xml and find broken links
Role and Permission control for Laravel
Kint - debugging helper for PHP developers
Extended PostgreSQL Functionality for Laravel
Symfony 2 twig extension bundle
Symfony 3 API Extra bundle
This bundle include service for translate with Google Translate and command which translate messages in your Bundles
merge files into one
Sends data over a TCP socket in an efficient manner
Database content to Anax-MVC
Automatisk hantering för WordPress-projekt
Laravel CMS: Theme component
Laravel CMS: Main Models Module Generator
Laravel CMS: Authentication Component
Sync Eloquent models with google spreadsheets
State machines for Eloquent classes
Set of classes for working with our repository stack
A PSR-3 compliant logger decorator which allows context metadata to be built up.
Fast, simple Disqus integration for Laravel
Phabricator OAuth 2.0 Client Provider for The PHP League OAuth2-Client
PHP library for handling exceptions and errors.
TYPO3 Extension Maker.
A generic PHP lib with static classes full of handy functional methods.
Twig extension to make conditional layout and to inject variables in templates
Common interfaces for PSR-7 server request handlers
Common interfaces for Cormy PSR-7 server middlewares
Onion style PSR-7 middleware stack using generators
WYSIWIG HTML editable blocks and entities bundle
MyAnimeList.net (un)official API
PHP SDK for Inpost API
DataTables integration on Elgg
free as in freedom php component requirement
Cqrs package for DDD
Adds modern OOP DB patterns by extending PHP extensions
An object-oriented tool for building HTML documents
Silex Routing Extension Driven By Namespace
Common component
Payment service client library for PHP language.
Yii2 addons
The RA framework packages.
Reviewable Polymorphic Eloquent Models for Laravel 5
Array schema matcher
PHP SDK for Toggl, the time tracker app
A versatile router for PHP
Stubber Server
Useful Sonata Media extensions.
Model Presenters for Laravel
AixueLog,just log something
Набор библиотек для быстрого построение CRUD приложений
pjax package for laravel5
JavaScript polyfill for old browsers
This Laravel package allows you to clear the OPcache of a PHP application running in FPM mode with ease.
Common Methods for Management PMR Rules
This is a CRUD generator for the framework YII2, which is highly configurable and allows reusing the generator till final...
Symfony - Whatson Web - UserBundle
Mock for laravel logger interface to handle log messages in test
Integracao Stelo, em desenvolvimento ...
protos/build provides a set of commandline tools that help you create a new framework and website
Historiae provides history logging support to Laravel.
Especificação do formato Cnab240 e Cnab400 traduzida para Yaml
A paas style deployment application