Breadcrumbs builder
Microservices router and handler component
WebEd core system
Adding Forgot Password functionalitiy to ZfcUser
A MongoDB based Eloquent model and Query builder for Laravel (Moloquent)
Elo ranking for fussball, with goal difference
Compact collection of numbers to string
API for the amoCRM
Generic price modifer package
WOK Stream handler component
Data structure that allows the definition of arbitrary methods and properties at runtime
Cleans up your environment by managing include paths, error handlers, and autoloading
Wrapper for for Laravel 5.*
MetaModels frontend editing integrations
The angular-filesort addon for phulp
Nanando-Plugin which provides sulu presets
Silverstripe Chef module is a complete solution to organize small and medium restaurants.
ZIP Library for Luba
Git Hooks
Laravel Date Formatter
Allows to create content of one field based on other fields. Controlled fully by TCA. Support for extbase nested properties.
Extends crawler extension
Creates token and challenge by some attributes.
Easy-to-use configuration manager
A Craft CMS plugin allowing you to upload assets to an AWS S3 bucket.
A library for applications which interface with the UK Government Gateway
Object oriented SQL builder for PHP.
Credit Card validation extension for Yii2 framework
PSR HTTP Message implementations
Retrieves tor exit list from the tor project and make that available in a convenient way.
Amazon Merchant Fulfillment API PHP Client Library
PSR-7 style & PSR-15 compatible middleware which will verify if the incoming GitHub web hook request is correctly signed.
Symfony bundle which aims to simplify GitHub web hook handling.
Symfony Bundle for Snappy ( wkhtmltopdf )
Mini, lightweight version of the Dropbox v2 SDK.
Guest user library for Laravel
Qdmail forked from spok
WebEd auth
A drupal module to keep content during site install.
Flysystem adapter for git repositories
WebEd caching
WebEd assets management
Fake Json Generator for mocking API
a yii2 extension to make simple to use queue.
Yii2 Swagger UI
WebEd users
WebEd modules-management
WebEd hook
Simple .
Wrapper for Whatsapp messenger
php tools package
Mini extension that makes rebuilding the search index possible for multidomain.
cty shaka rbac management system
Object-oriented IMAP for PHP
Pimcore database migrations plugin
A Laravel helper function to use a different path for your versioned files.
CacheClearToolbar is an addon to the Symfony Web Debug Toolbar.
In order to study composer
baidu bce ocr php.
This Bundle provides an architecture to separate the different job layers in your Symfony application.
Tool for creating standard exceptions
Yii2 zqy234 terrytest
Provide Google OpenId Connect feature for cake php 1.3
Helper for Symfony
Страна и регион по IP
Remove !important top margin.
Add support for parsedown and parsedown-extra in Symfony 3 by providing services and Twig filters.
PHP REST engine for various projects of the IERU research team
A PSR-6 adapter for Drupal 7 cache system
Asset bundle for (
Payment Integration with Paytm.
A repository service provider to dynamically bind all existing repositories in app.
Storage library for phpfox framework.
Customize social sharing icons & design.
A fork of manuakasam/SamUser. Glues together LmcUser, BjyAuthorize, SlmLocale, and GoalioRememberMe
PHP APIs for the Ieru REST engine and the Organic.Edunet european project
Provides alternative names to Laravel models.
Robo Tasks for Wordpress projects
Another var_dump-like debugging function with special debugging features
Shim repository for reveal.js
Framework agnostic class for getting gravatars from
General code for Debranova Projects
YAROC: Yet Another Random.Org Client.
Bamboo style PSR-7 middleware pipe using generators
A PHP client for Instant2FA.
Scaffold code and UI for CRUD operations, using Allay/Base, Laravel, and Eloquent models.
Exception Manager Library
Modulo de consulta Datawash
Number to word, roman, ordinal converter