Provides custom SSO integration to Laravel 5 applications.
Bluz test module
bluz options module
bluz media module
Сategories bluz module
bluz auth module
Collection of scripts for Magento builds and deployments
A PHP library for fetching thumbnails from a URL
Add functionality to add field and values dynamicly to laravel. How you use them is up to you.
bluz facebook auth module
Helios HPP payment system PHP SDK
PHP library for worker processes
Use Twig to generate Email or PDF contents
Active columns and array input widget for Yii 2 framework
Module to push/manage job openings to/on
This is the core of Libre Informatique Symfony2 projects
Simple facade+service provider package for internal use
WordPress Term Taxonomy Meta
Contain Service Provider for Laravel to be extended by other packages as well as modified versions of Service Provider from...
Dependency Resolver for resolving dependencies
The Neutrino Dotenv package.
Demonstration module with UI Components basics
XTRF REST client library based on Guzzle
Provides Outer Extension for Doctrine entities in Symfony bundles
Wrapper package for Blast
Doctrine ORM for Contao CMS
Get user's IP address
Freelancer OAuth 2.0 Client Provider
OAuth2 Security Library
Biblioteca SSH para gerenciamento de máquina remota
Laravel package for storing current application state in cache/session
A helper library for dealing with form submission, errors and field values
package for laravel 5.2 retrieve user datas serve for restful api authentication.
AmCharts JavaScript Library
Module for Zend Framework 2 applications for easy searching, sorting and paginating of results
Make login url with Flarum
Miaoxing Can Plugin
Genders, intentioned for Drd+
Gravatar for Laravel 4.
Twig function for Illuminate\Translation\Translator in Slim framework
yii2 Widget for LinkPager
Module for orders management
Stripped down edition of Symfony3 for executing bundle tests
A plugin for Magento that outputs the JivoChat javascript code into the website
Module mail-send
Laravel wrapper for the OLX Feed Generator
Niceware library for PHP
A simple and elegant PHP password generator for either browser and console environments.
Agavi2 is the resurrection of Agavi, a full-featured MVC-style framework for PHP 7 with a strong focus on structure, code...
The ephp Framework.
PHP port of Keybase's triplesec encryption
Provides standardized console commands for PHP applications.
A php development toolkit for Piksel API v5.
Integrates the SmsSender library in Symfony2 applications
Event listener pattern library for phpfox framework.
Provides tracking of Laravel Models for creating, updating and deleting events
The almost missing SMS sending PHP library.
Set of libs which compose the slime-api framework
Pushwoosh for Laravel
A simple database backup manager for Symfony2 with support for S3, Rackspace, Dropbox, FTP, SFTP.
A framework agnostic database backup manager with user-definable procedures and support for S3, Dropbox, FTP, SFTP, and more with drivers...
Cachet Integration for spatie's uptime Monitor
A generic PHP library to control concurrent access to resources.
Event dispatcher service for Contao Open Source CMS
Provides tools for developing RESTful APIs.
FormalTheory is a library that allows for manipulation and conversion of NFAs, DFAs and Regular Expressions.
SilverStripe CronKeep integration - Cronjob management via web interface
Social media sharing buttons, in a simple library
Soapsuds is a PHP library that allows developers to easily create a SOAP web service from a regular class.
EVE Online OAuth2 Provider for Laravel Socialite
Allows you to easily use Laravel Service Providers with Slim 3's DI container
Bootstrap Dashboard Template
Symfony Websocket Bundle
Zendgroup CMS
Lista de Ramos de Atividades Empresariais
Image processing middleware
Virtual development environment for 1c-Bitrix
Хак для прохождения валидатора w3c вместе со style scoped
A PSR-3 logger that uses Flysystem.
minimalistic cli tool made with symfony/console and w/o silex
laravel 输出html代码压缩
Given a complicated data structure, this library allows easy and safe access to data via dot notation. This library is...
API wrapper for Histdata free forex data
Laravel package for Moip SDK PHP
A lightweight, simple, fast MVC implementation for PHP5.4
AMQP wrapper for Laravel and Lumen to publish and consume messages
Provide client based on guzzle
Sofort library
A simple and very basic PHP log class. Can be used with your server and in commandline.
Symfony2 Stubber Bundle
Классы для удобного доступа к данным в 1C-Bitrix
Package Environment is for getting current environment