Yii2 module providing several seo-optimised database driven page abstraction
Sending email templates for E-mail in PHPixie 3
ZF2 Libraries
Firebase PHP RESTful library
Socket server and client
Getui Demo!
Symfony PluginBundle
Monolog handler to enable sending messages through Telegram
PHPWord - A pure PHP library for reading and writing word processing documents (OOXML, ODF, RTF, HTML, PDF)
Authentification and users for MongoDB
Use WordPress backend with any PHP framework
hello word
Inspinia Theme for CakePHP BaseKit
Adds a Webinterface for Laravel to your project
Package that helps testing across our packages
Difra framework
Asynchronous HTTP client library.
Collapsing and expanding of content elements with dynamic or static loading.
RTE integration of TinyMCE for TYPO3.
Happyr MailerBundle lets you send nice HTML emails. Use a twig template to design your emails. You may even use...
Contains some useful tools like a testing tool for redirects, a link checker, a back link checker and a content...
Apply sorting of Vue Table on Laravel Eloquent queries
The Php router.
The Php config manager.
Frobou System Permissions
sgalinski Contentlink - Possibility to set a link around a whole content element. (Include static template)
TinyMCE sources including a small PHP API
Spiral Framework data listing on steroids
An helper component for assets manegment
The libraries required to run php-light core
A simple object orientated way to interact with the dvlasearch API
Export your Kunstmaan Bundles CMS website to static HTML files
Extend laravel default authentication
Redirect map for Laravel.
Keeko component installer
A laravel trait to deal with time and dates with scope for eloquent models.
Flyweight-adapter for using legacy code in modern frameworks with lazy refactor.
Neteller driver for the Omnipay payment processing library
Composer library to handle emails with PHP
translatable is a Yii extension to transparently translate ActiveRecord attributes.
A collection of PHP interfaces and adapters to make swapping out logger dependencies quick and easy.
Akamai OPEN EdgeGrid PHP authorization wrapper
ePHP is a PHP micro framework that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs.
A view and like counter extension for your laravel project.
Custom Slim 3 Framework
Html Template Class
Composer library for Cloud Convert API
Website Frontend App for Keeko
Quick simple lazy loading trait using reference property and closure
Reads RSS feeds
Generate Relational (hasMany, hasOne, belongsTo, & nested) Models & CRUD.
Yii Web Programming Auth Module
TkachInc Engine
Get most used colors from an image
GOintegro Inflector Lib
GOintegro HATEOAS Lib
Support Library for Poseiden, calculates Colors
container-interop aware command-bus
Simple CLI styling helper
A helpful library class for making HTML 'meta' tags.
A Symfony bundle that kills memory leaks using lasers and ninja stars
common utilities for i3-phpbar sensors
阿里云视频转码 laravel
Miaoxing Survey Plugin
Utility for geographical calculations.
An yii2 extension for oauth
A light weight container builder from a configuration file
Acl Manager for CakePHP 3.x
Sequential API call/access rate keeper to be under limited rate.
China district data
Provides easy access to Zend Server API
Maybe type in PHP
Silex service provider for RabbitMQ. Integrates php-amqplib/rabbitmq-bundle into Silex.
Deptrac shim
Notadd's Wechat Module.
Notadd's Member Module.
Notadd's Administration Module.
The Unofficial Telegram Bot API PHP SDK (Laravel 4.1)
Simple and Powerful Queued Jobs
Notadd's Content Module.
Adds request-parameter validation to the SLIM 3.x PHP framework
EmizenTech : Shop By Brand
A Salesforce API Client
Allows you to get values for read only settings that are stored in settings.php
Yii2 filemanager
Manage settings that can have multiple levels
Simple PHP class to send email to different address with files attached
Simple geolocation Library
RedSlim (Slim + Twig + Redbean), a PHP micro framework
Handlebars two-side wrapper (js/php) - Same template anywhere with reactive update