MD5 and SHA1 file hash calculator and checker
All kinds of goodies for the BlastCoreBundle
Statful PHP client
This bundle extends the Postgresql functionalities of Doctrine and Sonata projects
OVH VPS/Cloud Monitoring via OVH API
Color utility class for PHP 5.3 that allows for easy conversion between RGB, HSV, XYZ, and Lab color spaces, as...
An Apache log file processor class, in PHP
Theme support for RabbitCMS modules.
wkhtmltopdf integration
Allows converting numbers written in arabic digits to words in several languages. You can convert an integer between -infinity and...
Barebones geocoder class using cUrl. Not a replacement for willdurand/geocoder
Cormy server middleware skeleton/template
Composite Key capabilities for Eloquent
A PHP library to easily work with entities.
Tracker package for ARCANESOFT/Foundation.
Cedis component
PHP Dependency Injection.
An autogenerated ESI Library with docs and tests.
smart date time calculation missing in PHP
Zipcodes component
AdminLTE extension for yii2, include admin lte asset, widgets and helpers
A very small unit test library
Generate of so called 'static' or 'Clean URL' or 'Pretty URL' or 'nice-looking URL' or 'Speaking URL' or 'user-friendly URL'...
Long time execution script updates. Get stdout of long running script from another process!
PHP Library to read/write MapServer mapfiles
Module Clients for TMCms
Brings RSS and Atom feeds to Flarum
image convert to assic text
Quickly debugging the amount of database queries per request in Laravel.
This library provides Zend\Paginator support for the polderknowledge/entityservice library
A short description of what your package does
Generate HTML form structure for use with Twitter Bootstrap
Empty project with prepared simple layout, based on the The Modern CMS
A Zend Framework module which adds support for the polderknowledge/entityservice library.
A http application for PSR-15 http server request handlers
This library provides Zend\Validator support for the polderknowledge/entityservice library
Shopfinder Module for Magento 2
Broad variation of validation
Tracker package for Laravel.
The PHP library can easily resize images.
A powerful and beautiful php mailer for All of ThinkPHP and Other PHP Frameworks based SwiftMailer
TDatabázové api nad kdyby/doctrine
Slim 3 skeleton
Adds a database logger and log-search/filtering in the backend.
A dependency injection class based on Pimple
Image Manipulation Package
Web Application Boilerplate
Production-grade REST-API App-class for PHP SLIM, in production on https://zaplog.pro (https://api.zaplog.pro/v1)
A PrinceXML ServiceProvider for Silex.
The UNOFFICIAL sprites of the Free Wireframe Toolbar Icons for GUI designers by Gentleface (http://www.gentleface.com/free_icon_set.html)
Instagram SDK
Demonstration application made with Selenia
A package that creates monthly log files, destinated to register actions for Laravel application.
Complete solution for stamps & currency collectors portal.
PHP library for transcribing Chinese characters (pinyin) into the Cyrillic alphabet (using Palladius system).
Kahyam API for Commercial Usage
Restricts registration when a user's input (eg: username) matches a list of restricted words
Laravel eloquent has a lot in the model class, this package helps with separating the concerns away from just the...
Laravel Route Listing plugin.helper package to display all the routes in the app
Yii2 Framework extension to provide functionality for consuming RSS and Atom feeds using zend-feed library.
A bundle adding some debug tools for responsiveness
Extension of Nelmio solarium symfony2 bundle.
Fluid integration for Symfony
Plenty Services Travel Libs
Streamline your Telegram bot development
The PHP form generator.
PHP Messanger bot
An Atom and RSS feed client for the Laravel Framework
Servnisní třídy pro lepší práci s polem, textem, čísly, datumy a pdf
A collection of OAuth 2 packages that extracts from laravel/socialite.
Checkout Admin component
Persistence container implementation for thread based PHP ApplicationServer.
阿里云 SMS forked from HyanCat/aliyun-sms-php
laravel admin
The simple plugin bootstrap
Message queue implementation for thread based PHP ApplicationServer.
Laravel Repositories
Helper function to set active menu state
Rong Cloud Server SDK in PHP.
This is the official PHP SDK for Shieldfy (shieldfy.io)
Make configuring different serialization views for your entities easy and maintainable.
A scalable push library for Laravel with a better Response handling
Helps to build parameters.yml file based on environment variables
Flexible integration(import, export, sync) for yii2
validate and generate IBANs
VMware vCloud SDK for PHP