azuremgmtdashboard 1.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Dashboard Management Client Library.
azuremgmtdataboxedge 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Databoxedge Management Client Library.
azuremgmtdatabricks 2.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Data Bricks Management Client...
azuremgmtdatadog 2.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Datadog Management Client Library.
azuremgmtdatafactory 9.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Data Factory Management Client...
azuremgmtdataprotection 1.4.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Data Protection Management Client...
azuremgmtdefendereasm 1.0.0b1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Defendereasm Management Client Library.
azuremgmtdesktopvirtualization 1.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Desktop Virtualization Management Client...
azuremgmtdevcenter 1.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Devcenter Management Client Library.
azuremgmtdevhub 1.0.0b1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Devhub Management Client Library.
azuremgmtdeviceregistry 1.0.0b1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Deviceregistry Management Client Library.
azuremgmtdeviceupdate 1.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Device Update Management Client...
azuremgmtdevopsinfrastructure 1.0.0b1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Devopsinfrastructure Management Client Library.
azuremgmtdevtestlabs 9.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure DevTestLabs Management Client Library.
azuremgmtdns 8.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure DNS Management Client Library.
azuremgmtdnsresolver 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Dnsresolver Management Client Library.
azuremgmtdynatrace 2.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Dynatrace Management Client Library.
azuremgmtedgezones 1.0.0b1.post2 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Edgezones Management Client Library.
azuremgmteducation 1.0.0b2 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Education Management Client Library.
azuremgmtelasticsan 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Elasticsan Management Client Library.
azuremgmteventgrid 10.2.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Event Grid Management Client...
azuremgmteventhub 11.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Event Hub Management Client...
azuremgmteventhub 11.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Event Hub Management Client...
azuremgmtextendedlocation 1.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Extended Location Management Client...
azuremgmtfluidrelay 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Fluid Relay Management Client...
azuremgmtfrontdoor 1.2.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Front Door Service Client...
azuremgmtgraphservices 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Graphservices Management Client Library.
azuremgmtguestconfig 1.0.0b2 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Guest Config Management Client...
azuremgmthardwaresecuritymodules 1.0.0b1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Hardwaresecuritymodules Management Client Library.
azuremgmthdinsight 9.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure HDInsight Management Client Library.
azuremgmthdinsightcontainers 1.0.0b3 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Hdinsightcontainers Management Client Library.
azuremgmthealthbot 1.0.0b2 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Health Bot Management Client...
azuremgmthealthcareapis 2.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Health Care Apis Management...
azuremgmthealthdataaiservices 1.0.0b1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Healthdataaiservices Management Client Library.
azuremgmthybridcompute 8.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Hybrid Compute Management Client...
azuremgmthybridconnectivity 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Hybridconnectivity Management Client Library.
azuremgmthybridcontainerservice 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Hybridcontainerservice Management Client Library.
azuremgmthybridnetwork 2.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Hybrid Network Management Client...
azuremgmtimagebuilder 1.4.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Image Builder Client Library.
azuremgmtinformaticadatamanagement 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Informaticadatamanagement Management Client Library.
azuremgmtiotcentral 9.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Iotcentral Management Client Library.
azuremgmtiotfirmwaredefense 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Iotfirmwaredefense Management Client Library.
azuremgmtiothub 3.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure IoT Hub Management Client...
azuremgmtiothubprovisioningservices 1.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure IoT Hub Provisioning Services...
azuremgmtkeyvault 10.3.1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Key Vault Management Client...
azuremgmtkubernetesconfiguration 3.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Configuration Management Client...
azuremgmtkusto 3.3.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Kusto Management Client Library.
azuremgmtlabservices 2.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Lab Services Client Library.
azuremgmtlargeinstance 1.0.0b1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Largeinstance Management Client Library.
azuremgmtloadtesting 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Loadtesting Management Client Library.
azuremgmtloganalytics 12.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Log Analytics Management Client...
azuremgmtlogic 10.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Logic Apps Management Client...
azuremgmtmaintenance 2.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Maintenance Management Client Library.
azuremgmtmanagedapplications 1.0.0b1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Managedapplications Management Client Library.
azuremgmtmanagednetworkfabric 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Managednetworkfabric Management Client Library.
azuremgmtmaps 2.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Maps Client Library....
azuremgmtmedia 10.2.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Media Services Client Library.
azuremgmtmigrationdiscoverysap 1.0.0b1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Migrationdiscoverysap Management Client Library.
azuremgmtmongocluster 1.0.0b1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Mongocluster Management Client Library.
azuremgmtmonitor 6.0.2 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Monitor Client Library....
azuremgmtmsi 7.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Msi Management Client Library.
azuremgmtmysqlflexibleservers 1.0.0b1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Mysqlflexibleservers Management Client Library.
azuremgmtnetapp 13.2.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure NetApp Files Management Client...
azuremgmtnetwork 26.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Network Management Client Library.
azuremgmtnetworkanalytics 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Networkanalytics Management Client Library.
azuremgmtnetworkcloud 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Networkcloud Management Client Library.
azuremgmtnetworkfunction 1.0.0b1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Networkfunction Management Client Library.
azuremgmtnewrelicobservability 1.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Newrelicobservability Management Client Library.
azuremgmtnginx 3.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Nginx Management Client Library.
azuremgmtnotificationhubs 8.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Notification Hubs Management Client...
azuremgmtnspkg 3.0.2 This is the Microsoft Azure Management namespace package. This package is not intended to...
azuremgmtoep 1.0.0b2 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Oep Management Client Library.
azuremgmtorbital 2.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Orbital Management Client Library.
azuremgmtpaloaltonetworksngfw 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Paloaltonetworksngfw Management Client Library.
azuremgmtplaywrighttesting 1.0.0b2 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Playwrighttesting Management Client Library.
azuremgmtportal 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Portal Management Client Library.
azuremgmtpowerbiembedded 3.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Power BI Embedded Management...
azuremgmtquantum 1.0.0b5 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Quantum Management Client Library.
azuremgmtqumulo 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Qumulo Management Client Library.
azuremgmtqumulo 2.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Qumulo Management Client Library.
azuremgmtquota 1.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Quota Management Client Library.
azuremgmtrdbms 10.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure RDBMS Management Client Library.
azuremgmtrecoveryservicesbackup 9.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Backup Management...
azuremgmtrecoveryservicesdatareplication 1.0.0b1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Recoveryservicesdatareplication Management Client Library.
azuremgmtrecoveryservicessiterecovery 1.2.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Site Recovery...
azuremgmtredhatopenshift 1.5.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Red Hat Openshift Management...
azuremgmtredis 14.4.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Redis Cache Management Client...
azuremgmtredisenterprise 3.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Redis Enterprise Management Client...
azuremgmtreservations 2.3.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Reservations Client Library....
azuremgmtresource 23.1.1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Resource Management Client Library.
azuremgmtresourceconnector 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Resource Connector Management Client...
azuremgmtresourcehealth 1.0.0b5 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Resource Health Management Client...
azuremgmtresourcemover 1.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Resource Mover Management Client...
azuremgmtscvmm 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Scvmm Management Client Library.
azuremgmtsearch 9.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Search Management Client Library.
azuremgmtsecurity 7.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Security Center Management Client...
azuremgmtsecuritydevops 1.0.0b2 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Securitydevops Management Client Library.
azuremgmtsecurityinsight 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Security Insight Management Client...
azuremgmtselfhelp 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Selfhelp Management Client Library.
azuremgmtserialconsole 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure SerialConsole Client Library....
azuremgmtservicebus 8.2.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Service Bus Management Client...
azuremgmtservicefabric 2.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Service Fabric Management Client...
azuremgmtservicefabricmanagedclusters 2.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Service Fabric Managed Clusters...
azuremgmtservicelinker 1.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Service Linker Management Client...
azuremgmtservicenetworking 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Servicenetworking Management Client Library.
azuremgmtsignalr 1.2.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure SignalR Client Library....
azuremgmtsphere 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Sphere Management Client Library.
azuremgmtspringappdiscovery 1.0.0b1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Springappdiscovery Management Client Library.
azuremgmtsql 3.0.1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure SQL Management Client Library.
azuremgmtsqlvirtualmachine 0.5.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure SQL Virtual Machine Management...
azuremgmtstandbypool 1.0.0b1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Standbypool Management Client Library.
azuremgmtstorage 21.2.1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Storage Management Client Library.
azuremgmtstorageactions 1.0.0b1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Storageactions Management Client Library.
azuremgmtstoragecache 2.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Storage Cache Management Client...
azuremgmtstoragemover 2.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Storagemover Management Client Library.
azuremgmtstreamanalytics 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Stream Analytics Management Client...
azuremgmtsubscription 3.1.1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Subscription Management Client Library.
azuremgmtsupport 7.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Support Management Client Library.
azuremgmttestbase 1.0.0b2 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Testbase Management Client Library.
azuremgmttrafficmanager 1.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Traffic Manager Management Client...
azuremgmtvideoanalyzer 1.0.0b4 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python We’re retiring the Azure Video Analyzer preview service; you're...
azuremgmtvoiceservices 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Voiceservices Management Client Library.
azuremgmtwebpubsub 1.1.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure WebPubSub Management Client Library.
azuremgmtworkloadmonitor 1.0.0b4 The package has been deprecated. For more info, please see Release History...
azuremgmtworkloads 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Workloads Management Client Library.
azuremgmtworkloadssapvirtualinstance 1.0.0b1 Microsoft Azure SDK for Python This is the Microsoft Azure Workloadssapvirtualinstance Management Client Library.
azuremixedrealityremoterendering 1.0.0b2 Azure Remote Rendering client library for Python Azure Remote Rendering (ARR) is a service...
azuremlaccelmodels 1.57.0 Easily create and train a model using various deep neural networks (DNNs) as a featurizer...
azuremlacftaccelerator 0.0.59 The azureml-acft-accelerator package is a package containing functionality used by the the generic components for...
azuremlacftcontribhfdiffusion 0.0.59 The azureml-acft-contrib-hf-diffusion package is a package containing functionality used by the the generic components for...
azuremlacftcontribhfnlp 0.0.59 The azureml-acft-contrib-hf-nlp package is a package containing functionality used by the the generic components for...
azuremlacftimagecomponents 0.0.59 The azureml-acft-image-components package contains functionality used by the components for training image models available...
azuremlacftmultimodalcomponents 0.0.59 This package contains functionality used by the components for training multimodal models, primarily available on...
azuremlaimonitoring 1.0.0 Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Data Collection SDK v2 for model monitoring The azureml-ai-monitoring package...
azuremlassets 1.16.57 The author of this package has not provided a project description
azuremlautomlcore 1.57.0 The azureml-automl-core package is a package containing functionality used by the azureml-train-automl package. It is...
azuremlautomlruntime 1.57.0 The azureml-automl-runtime package is a package containing functionality used by the azureml-train-automl package. It is...
azuremlcomponent 0.9.18.post2 The azure-ml-component package contains functionality for: * authoring and managing Azure Machine Learning components
azuremlcontribbrainwave 1.0.33
azuremlcontribgbdt 1.29.0 [DEPRECATED] The azureml-contrib-gbdt package has been deprecated and might not receive future updates and removed...