quarchCalibration 1.1.11 QuarchCalibration QuarchCalibration is a python package that allows calibration of Quarch modules.
quarchQCS 1.1.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
quare 0.2.4 quare Interact...
quarkstudio 7.0.4 quarkstudio For more details on how to use QuarkStudio, refer...
quarrel 0.6 querulous_quarrel Named for a lovely groups of sparrows that happened to be flying by....
quartadmin 3.0.0 Quart admin A tool to create quart projects faster with a scalable setup...
QuartAuthorizationDiscord 1.0.3 Quart-Authorization A Library For Quart Discord Authorization Note: This Fixed Version Of This...
quartdepends 1.0.1 quart-depends Table of Contents quart-depends
quartet capture 4.0.0 .d8888b. d8888 8888888b. 88888888888 888 888 8888888b. 8888888888 d88P Y88b d8P888 888 Y88b...
quartet epcis 4.0.0 Built on top of the world-class EPCPyYes python package. Real EPCIS support for...
quartet manifest 1.0.5 Reports back QU4RTET configuration and capabilities to quartet-ui. Documentation
quartet vrs 2.0.1 A GS1-compliant VRS interface for QU4RTET, the open-source EPCIS platform. Documentation
quarticsolverkapoorlabs 0.0.2 quartic-solver-kapoorlabs A package containing...
quartimp 1.0.0 Quart-Imp pip install quart-imp What is Quart-Imp?
quartocli 1.5.57 Quarto Quarto is an open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc. Quarto...
quartodoc 0.7.6 Overview quartodoc lets you quickly generate Python package API reference documentation...
QuasarCode 0.16.6 QuasarCode A general purpose library for Python applications.
quasardb 3.14.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
quasselconf 0.0.2 This is a simple Python 3 application that uses PyQt5 to read (and, in...
quaternions 0.6 A library to handle quaternions. The library is partly tested (see tests). It would...
quattro 24.1.0 quattro: task control for asyncio
quaver.py 0.2.3 # quaver.py A Python API Wrapper for Quaver (Rhythm Game) API
quax 0.0.4 Quax JAX + multiple dispatch + custom array-ish objects For example, this can...
quaxed 0.5.2 quaxed Pre-Quaxify'ed JAX Quaxed wraps jax libraries (using quax) to enable using...
quaxed 0.6.2 quaxed Pre-Quaxify'ed JAX Quaxed wraps jax libraries (using quax) to enable using...
quay client 7 # quay client[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/tinyclues/quay_client.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/tinyclues/quay_client) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/tinyclues/quay_client/badge.svg?branch=delete_package)](https://coveralls.io/github/tinyclues/quay_client?branch=delete_package)This is a client for the quay.io api## Contributing...
qube 2.6.1 QBiCâs internal project template collection. Free software: MIT Documentation: https://qube.readthedocs.io....
qubemoneyknox 4.2.7 django-rest-knox Authentication Module for django rest auth Knox provides easy to...
qubic.sphinx.graphvizinclude 0.1 Contents qubic.sphinx.graphvizinclude Overview Installation Registering the Extension
qubitcoind 0.0.0 An ECDSA and XMSS interchangeable, decentralized P2P, mining-resistant, fully anonymized, self-regulating and backward stochastic python...
qubitsimulator 0.0.8 Qubit Simulator Qubit Simulator is a simple and lightweight library that provides a quantum...
qucumber 1.3.3 A Quantum Calculator Used for Many-body Eigenstate Reconstruction QuCumber is a program that reconstructs...
qudb 0.6 Manage a database of questions and use it to generate assessments, e.g. assignments, quizzes,...
qudicore 1.5.1 qudi-core The qudi-core repository represents the base installation...
qudiiqomodules 0.5.1 qudi-iqo-modules A collection of qudi measurement modules originally developed for...
queenbee 1.28.0 Queenbee :crown: Queenbee is a workflow language for describing workflows! The workflow Schema...
queenbeedsl 0.7.2 queenbee-python-dsl A Python Domain Specific Language (DSL) to create Queenbee Plugins and Recipes as...
queenbeelocal 0.6.5 queenbee-local Queenbee task provides a helper module for running queenbee recipes on a local...
queens8 0.1.2 queens8 Package 0.1.2 last change 25-Apr-2022 Introduction to the n Queens and 8...
quepy 1.1.1 Que: SQL for Sneks đ
querent 3.1.2 Querent The Asynchronous Data Dynamo and Graph Neural Network Catalyst Unlock...
queridodiariotoolbox 0.2.2 PortuguĂȘs (BR) | English (US) Toolbox
queries 2.1.1 Queries is a BSD licensed opinionated wrapper of the psycopg2 library for interacting with...
querify 0.1.0 UNKNOWN
querky 0.1.2 querky Turn your SQL queries into type annotated Python functions and autogenerated types with...
Querpyable 3.0.0 Querpyable A Python implementation of LINQ
QueryableList 3.1.0 What QueryableList allows you to âfilterâ a list of items of varying types, simplifing...
queryanonymizer 1.1.4 QueryAnonymizer Description queryanonymizer is a Python library designed to anonymize SQL, DAX or...
querycli 1.0 # query This is a simple, yet powerful command line translator with baidu translate
querycontacts 2.0.0 querycontacts - Query Abuse Contacts Installation pip install querycontacts Starting...