raccy 2.0.0 RACCY OVERVIEW Raccy is a multithreaded web scraping library based on selenium....
raccyorm 0.0.1 RACCY-ORM OVERVIEW Raccy-ORM is a small lightweight ORM, inspired by Django-ORM. REQUIREMENTS
raccyutils 0.4.2 RACCY-UTILS Overview Raccy-Utils is a collection of utility functions and classes for various...
racengine 0.1.24 The author of this package has not provided a project description
racetrackclient 2.32.1 Racetrack CLI client racetrack-client is a CLI client tool for deploying and managing workloads...
racfu 0.0.2 RACFu Easy integration with RACF using industry standard languages and tools.
RachioPy 1.1.0 Rachiopy This python package provides a interface to...
racker 0.3.0 Operating system containers for humans and machines. Documentation: https://github.com/cicerops/racker Source code:...
rackfan 0.3.2 A fan controller script for the NZXT Grid+ v2 USB fan controller. Mainly for personal...
RacksDB 0.4.0 RacksDB Overview RacksDB is an open source solution to modelize your datacenters...
rackspaceauth 0.8.1 This package provides plugins to keystoneauth1, the OpenStack Keystone authentication library, for Rackspace’s...
rackspaceauthneutronclientext 1.4 This is a plugin for OpenStack Clients which provides client support for Rackspace authentication...
rackspaceauthopenstack 1.3 This is a plugin for OpenStack Clients which provides client support for Rackspace authentication...
rackspacebackupclient 0.19.3 ***************************Cloud Backup API Python SDK***************************:version: 0.19.3:Presentations: `Introduction`_.. image:: https://requires.io/github/cabrera/python-cloudbackup-sdk/requirements.png?branch=master :target: https://requires.io/github/cabrera/python-cloudbackup-sdk/requirements/?branch=master :alt: Requirements Status.. image::...
rackspaceneutronclient 1.1 Metapackage to install rackspace-python-neutronclient and Rackspace extensions Install pip install rackspace-neutronclient
rackspacenovaclient 2.1 Metapackage to install python-novaclient and Rackspace extensions Install pip install rackspace-novaclient
rackspaceticketreport 1.1 A script to gather the week over week ticket counts for the specified time...
rackspacetokengenerator 1.5 A script to generate authentication tokens for use with Rackspace Cloud Identity. This was...
racp 0.1.2 README Setup To start using this project, first you should run the setup...
radar5 0.1 The radar5 module is a numerical solver for delay differential equations. It is a wrapper...
radas 2024.8.0 RADAS: radiated power curves from OpenADAS This Python library downloads atomic data from OpenADAS,...
radbelt 0.1.8 radbelt: An Astropy-friendly wrapper for the AE-8/AP-8 Van Allen belt model This is small...
radiantvoices 1.0.3 Overview of Radiant Voices Part of the Metrasynth project. Radiant Voices provides tools...
radical.analytics 1.81.0 RADICAL-Analytics (RA) RADICAL-Analytics is a library supporting the analysis of...
Radicale 3.2.3 Radicale Radicale is a small but powerful CalDAV (calendars, to-do...
radicaleremind 0.6.0 Radicale storage backends providing a two way sync for Remind, Abook and Taskwarrior. Remind...
radicalesiriusplugin 0.3.0 Sirius CALDAV=============This project is plugin for https://radicale.org/.With this plugin you can connect to CVUT Sirius...
radicalestoragedecsync 2.1.0 Radicale DecSync Radicale DecSync is an Radicale storage plugin which adds synchronization of contacts...
radical.synapse 1.81.0 Synapse - SYNthetic Application ProfileS and Emulation Goal: emulate an applications runtime behavior as...
radical.utils 1.81.0 RADICAL-Utils (RU) RADICAL-Utils (RU) is a Python package, which contains...
radikoplaylist 1.1.0 radiko playlist ...
radikopodcast 1.0.3 radiko Podcast ...
radioactive 0.0.1 # Radioactive
radioactive 2.9.1 RADIOACTIVE SEARCH - PLAY - RECORD - REPEAT Play and record any radio...
radiocc 0.6.24 radiocc Provide a tool to compute radio occulations for planetary missions....
radiocodecalculator 1.1.5 Radio Code Calculator Online & SDK for Python Radio Code Calculator is an online...
radiopadreclient 1.2.0 Your one-stop client-side script to run radiopadre notebooks locally and on remote machines....
radiopy 0.6 Command-line frontend for mplayer designed to make listening to online radio easy. Homepage:...
radiotrayngmpris 0.1.2 Radiotray-NG MPRIS Overview Radiotray-NG MPRIS is a wrapper for Radiotray-NG to add an...
radishbdd 0.17.1 radish - the root from red to green Awesome python BDD tool...
radishparse type 0.3.5 parse_type extends the parse module (opposite of string.format()) with the following features:...
radispawn 0.0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
RadiumWMPFInstaller 0.1.2 RadiumWMPFInstaller 适合在使用微信浏览器或微信小程序出现异常情况的时候 重新安装 RadiumWMPF 可以对微信浏览器组件进行升级或降级 安装...
radixheap 0.1.0 Radix Heap for Python This module provides a Python implementation of Radix Heap-like data...
radixhopper 0.0.6 ✨ RadixHopper ✨ 🌟 Hop between number bases...
radix tree 0.0.3 radix-tree Table of Contents ...
radolantonetcdf 0.1.0 Python package to parser RADOLAN binary data files to NetCDF
RadonBear 0.10.0 None
radproc 0.1.4 Radproc is an open source Python library intended to facilitate precipitation data processing and analysis...
rads 0.1.0.post0 Python access to the Radar Altimeter Database System ...