2048-py 0.1.6

Creator: bradpython12

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2048py 0.1.6

What is this?
It's 2048, written in Python by the Ladue High School Computer Science Club. It's still in its early stages, so expect bugs!
Getting started
Download and run
Download or clone this repo, then run python3 main.py.
If Python complains about termcolor, install it with pip install termcolor.
Run online
Run it online on Repl.it.
Install using pip
Install with pip install 2048-py.
Run 2048-py to play the game.
Get it from the AUR
On Arch Linux, get the 2048-py package from the AUR.
Run 2048-py to play the game.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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