a-selenium2df 0.10

Creator: bradpython12

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aselenium2df 0.10

Get all attributes from each Selenium element in record time
# Tested with:
# https://github.com/ultrafunkamsterdam/undetected-chromedriver
# Python 3.9.13
# Windows 10

$pip install a-selenium2df

from a_selenium2df import get_df
from auto_download_undetected_chromedriver import download_undetected_chromedriver
import undetected_chromedriver as uc
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions
from selenium.webdriver.support.wait import WebDriverWait
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By

if __name__ == "__main__":
folderchromedriver = "f:\\seleniumdriver2"
path = download_undetected_chromedriver(folder_path_for_exe=folderchromedriver, undetected=True)
driver = uc.Chrome(driver_executable_path=path)

df = get_df(driver, By, WebDriverWait, expected_conditions, queryselector="a", with_methods=False, )
# Faster, but you can only use the standard methods from the webelements
# The function parses the attributes of webelements much faster than
# pure Selenium because everything is done in a single query
# while Selenium sends a query for each item

# %timeit get_df(driver, By, WebDriverWait, expected_conditions, queryselector="a", with_methods=False, )
# 289 ms ± 4.89 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

df = get_df(driver, By, WebDriverWait, expected_conditions, queryselector="a",
with_methods=True, ) # Includes many methods methods, and takes care about frame switching
# Slower, but you get many useful methods
# %timeit get_df(driver, By, WebDriverWait, expected_conditions, queryselector="a", with_methods=True, )
# 908 ms ± 40.1 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

# Now you can use the power of pandas to locate webelements:
# print(df.loc[df.aa_outerText.str.contains('Vaccines.gov',na=False)].to_string())
# element frame elements_in_frame aa_relList aa_text aa_origin aa_host aa_hostname aa_pathname aa_href aa_offsetParent aa_offsetTop aa_offsetLeft aa_offsetWidth aa_offsetHeight aa_innerText aa_outerText aa_className aa_classList aa_innerHTML aa_outerHTML aa_scrollWidth aa_scrollHeight aa_clientWidth aa_clientHeight aa_previousElementSibling aa_nextElementSibling aa_parentNode aa_parentElement aa_firstChild aa_lastChild aa_nextSibling aa_textContent aa_rel aa_firstElementChild aa_lastElementChild aa_childElementCount js_toString js_attachInternals js_blur js_click js_focus js_after js_animate js_append js_attachShadow js_before js_closest js_computedStyleMap js_getAttribute js_getAttributeNS js_getAttributeNames js_getAttributeNode js_getAttributeNodeNS js_getBoundingClientRect js_getClientRects js_getElementsByClassName js_getElementsByTagName js_getElementsByTagNameNS js_getInnerHTML js_hasAttribute js_hasAttributeNS js_hasAttributes js_hasPointerCapture js_insertAdjacentElement js_insertAdjacentHTML js_insertAdjacentText js_matches js_prepend js_querySelector js_querySelectorAll js_releasePointerCapture js_remove js_removeAttribute js_removeAttributeNS js_removeAttributeNode js_replaceChildren js_replaceWith js_requestFullscreen js_requestPointerLock js_scroll js_scrollBy js_scrollIntoView js_scrollIntoViewIfNeeded js_scrollTo js_setAttribute js_setAttributeNS js_setAttributeNode js_setAttributeNodeNS js_setPointerCapture js_toggleAttribute js_webkitMatchesSelector js_webkitRequestFullScreen js_webkitRequestFullscreen js_checkVisibility js_getAnimations js_setHTML js_appendChild js_cloneNode js_compareDocumentPosition js_contains js_getRootNode js_hasChildNodes js_insertBefore js_isDefaultNamespace js_isEqualNode js_isSameNode js_lookupNamespaceURI js_lookupPrefix js_normalize js_removeChild js_replaceChild js_addEventListener js_dispatchEvent js_removeEventListener js_wheel js_change_html_value se_send_keys se_find_elements se_find_element se_is_displayed se_is_enabled se_is_selected se_clear se_click se_switch_to_frame se_location_once_scrolled_into_view se_get_screenshot_as_file se_screenshot aa_window_handle aa_window_switch
# 68 <selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session="28e4140b6737882b119b3c693a8fd816", element="93eee670-1b4b-4896-b0e3-55357578413c")> mainframe 122 noopener noreferrer Visit Vaccines.gov https://www.vaccines.gov www.vaccines.gov www.vaccines.gov / https://www.vaccines.gov/ [object HTMLDivElement] 333 <NA> 882 57 Visit Vaccines.gov Visit Vaccines.gov home-topper__btn home-topper__btn--mobile btn home-topper__btn home-topper__btn--mobile btn Visit Vaccines.gov <a href="https://www.vaccines.gov/" class="home-topper__btn home-topper__btn--mobile btn" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVisit Vaccines.gov\t\t\t\t\t\t</a> 878 53 878 53 [object HTMLDivElement] <NA> [object HTMLDivElement] [object HTMLDivElement] [object Text] [object Text] [object Text] Visit Vaccines.gov noopener noreferrer <NA> <NA> <NA> () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () None () C:\Users\Gamer\anaconda3\envs\dfdir\seleniumpictures\68.png () CDwindow-5EB51E090E4DDEB92ECFA74D9FBF90D3 CDwindow-5EB51E090E4DDEB92ECFA74D9FBF90D3()
# 69 <selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session="28e4140b6737882b119b3c693a8fd816", element="e720ec81-d95e-4acd-88f6-3546937ec66d")> mainframe 122 noopener noreferrer Visit Vaccines.gov https://www.vaccines.gov www.vaccines.gov www.vaccines.gov / https://www.vaccines.gov/ <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> Visit Vaccines.gov Visit Vaccines.gov home-topper__btn btn home-topper__btn btn Visit Vaccines.gov <a href="https://www.vaccines.gov/" class="home-topper__btn btn" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVisit Vaccines.gov\t\t\t\t\t\t</a> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> [object HTMLDivElement] [object HTMLDivElement] [object Text] [object Text] [object Text] Visit Vaccines.gov noopener noreferrer <NA> <NA> <NA> () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () None () C:\Users\Gamer\anaconda3\envs\dfdir\seleniumpictures\69.png () CDwindow-5EB51E090E4DDEB92ECFA74D9FBF90D3 CDwindow-5EB51E090E4DDEB92ECFA74D9FBF90D3()
# 101 <selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session="28e4140b6737882b119b3c693a8fd816", element="bc9ffa93-6cd1-454f-8785-7967ebb8f91a")> mainframe 122 noopener noreferrer Visit Vaccines.gov https://www.vaccines.gov www.vaccines.gov www.vaccines.gov / https://www.vaccines.gov/ [object HTMLDivElement] 149 137 264 57 Visit Vaccines.gov Visit Vaccines.gov btn btn Visit Vaccines.gov <a href="https://www.vaccines.gov/" class="btn" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVisit Vaccines.gov\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</a> 260 53 260 53 [object HTMLHRElement] <NA> [object HTMLDivElement] [object HTMLDivElement] [object Text] [object Text] [object Text] Visit Vaccines.gov noopener noreferrer <NA> <NA> <NA> () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () None () C:\Users\Gamer\anaconda3\envs\dfdir\seleniumpictures\101.png () CDwindow-5EB51E090E4DDEB92ECFA74D9FBF90D3 CDwindow-5EB51E090E4DDEB92ECFA74D9FBF90D3()

# print(df.loc[df.aa_outerText.str.contains('Vaccines.gov',na=False)].iloc[0]
# Here is a view of a single element
# Enough information to locate any item

# i n d e x █ index █ 68 █
# ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
# 0 █ element █ <selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session="28e4140b6737882b119b3c693a8fd816", element="93eee670-1b4b-4896-b0e3-55357578413c")> █
# 1 █ frame █ mainframe █
# 2 █ elements_in_frame █ 122 █
# 3 █ aa_relList █ noopener noreferrer █
# 4 █ aa_text █ Visit Vaccines.gov █
# 5 █ aa_origin █ https://www.vaccines.gov █
# 6 █ aa_host █ www.vaccines.gov █
# 7 █ aa_hostname █ www.vaccines.gov █
# 8 █ aa_pathname █ / █
# 9 █ aa_href █ https://www.vaccines.gov/ █
# 10 █ aa_offsetParent █ [object HTMLDivElement] █
# 11 █ aa_offsetTop █ 333 █
# 12 █ aa_offsetLeft █ <NA> █
# 13 █ aa_offsetWidth █ 882 █
# 14 █ aa_offsetHeight █ 57 █
# 15 █ aa_innerText █ Visit Vaccines.gov █
# 16 █ aa_outerText █ Visit Vaccines.gov █
# 17 █ aa_className █ home-topper__btn home-topper__btn--mobile btn █
# 18 █ aa_classList █ home-topper__btn home-topper__btn--mobile btn █
# 19 █ aa_innerHTML █ Visit Vaccines.gov █
# 20 █ aa_outerHTML █ <a href="https://www.vaccines.gov/" class="home-topper__btn home-topper__btn--mobile btn" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">\n\t\t\t\t\tVisit Vaccines.gov</a> █
# 21 █ aa_scrollWidth █ 878 █
# 22 █ aa_scrollHeight █ 53 █
# 23 █ aa_clientWidth █ 878 █
# 24 █ aa_clientHeight █ 53 █
# 25 █ aa_previousElementSibling █ [object HTMLDivElement] █
# 26 █ aa_nextElementSibling █ <NA> █
# 27 █ aa_parentNode █ [object HTMLDivElement] █
# 28 █ aa_parentElement █ [object HTMLDivElement] █
# 29 █ aa_firstChild █ [object Text] █
# 30 █ aa_lastChild █ [object Text] █
# 31 █ aa_nextSibling █ [object Text] █
# 32 █ aa_textContent █ Visit Vaccines.gov █
# 33 █ aa_rel █ noopener noreferrer █
# 34 █ aa_firstElementChild █ <NA> █
# 35 █ aa_lastElementChild █ <NA> █
# 36 █ aa_childElementCount █ <NA> █
# 37 █ js_toString █ () █
# 38 █ js_attachInternals █ () █
# 39 █ js_blur █ () █
# 40 █ js_click █ () █
# 41 █ js_focus █ () █
# 42 █ js_after █ () █
# 43 █ js_animate █ () █
# 44 █ js_append █ () █
# 45 █ js_attachShadow █ () █
# 46 █ js_before █ () █
# 47 █ js_closest █ () █
# 48 █ js_computedStyleMap █ () █
# 49 █ js_getAttribute █ () █
# 50 █ js_getAttributeNS █ () █
# 51 █ js_getAttributeNames █ () █
# 52 █ js_getAttributeNode █ () █
# 53 █ js_getAttributeNodeNS █ () █
# 54 █ js_getBoundingClientRect █ () █
# 55 █ js_getClientRects █ () █
# 56 █ js_getElementsByClassName █ () █
# 57 █ js_getElementsByTagName █ () █
# 58 █ js_getElementsByTagNameNS █ () █
# 59 █ js_getInnerHTML █ () █
# 60 █ js_hasAttribute █ () █
# 61 █ js_hasAttributeNS █ () █
# 62 █ js_hasAttributes █ () █
# 63 █ js_hasPointerCapture █ () █
# 64 █ js_insertAdjacentElement █ () █
# 65 █ js_insertAdjacentHTML █ () █
# 66 █ js_insertAdjacentText █ () █
# 67 █ js_matches █ () █
# 68 █ js_prepend █ () █
# 69 █ js_querySelector █ () █
# 70 █ js_querySelectorAll █ () █
# 71 █ js_releasePointerCapture █ () █
# 72 █ js_remove █ () █
# 73 █ js_removeAttribute █ () █
# 74 █ js_removeAttributeNS █ () █
# 75 █ js_removeAttributeNode █ () █
# 76 █ js_replaceChildren █ () █
# 77 █ js_replaceWith █ () █
# 78 █ js_requestFullscreen █ () █
# 79 █ js_requestPointerLock █ () █
# 80 █ js_scroll █ () █
# 81 █ js_scrollBy █ () █
# 82 █ js_scrollIntoView █ () █
# 83 █ js_scrollIntoViewIfNeeded █ () █
# 84 █ js_scrollTo █ () █
# 85 █ js_setAttribute █ () █
# 86 █ js_setAttributeNS █ () █
# 87 █ js_setAttributeNode █ () █
# 88 █ js_setAttributeNodeNS █ () █
# 89 █ js_setPointerCapture █ () █
# 90 █ js_toggleAttribute █ () █
# 91 █ js_webkitMatchesSelector █ () █
# 92 █ js_webkitRequestFullScreen █ () █
# 93 █ js_webkitRequestFullscreen █ () █
# 94 █ js_checkVisibility █ () █
# 95 █ js_getAnimations █ () █
# 96 █ js_setHTML █ () █
# 97 █ js_appendChild █ () █
# 98 █ js_cloneNode █ () █
# 99 █ js_compareDocumentPosition █ () █
# 100 █ js_contains █ () █
# 101 █ js_getRootNode █ () █
# 102 █ js_hasChildNodes █ () █
# 103 █ js_insertBefore █ () █
# 104 █ js_isDefaultNamespace █ () █
# 105 █ js_isEqualNode █ () █
# 106 █ js_isSameNode █ () █
# 107 █ js_lookupNamespaceURI █ () █
# 108 █ js_lookupPrefix █ () █
# 109 █ js_normalize █ () █
# 110 █ js_removeChild █ () █
# 111 █ js_replaceChild █ () █
# 112 █ js_addEventListener █ () █
# 113 █ js_dispatchEvent █ () █
# 114 █ js_removeEventListener █ () █
# 115 █ js_wheel █ () █
# 116 █ js_change_html_value █ () █
# 117 █ se_send_keys █ () █
# 118 █ se_find_elements █ () █
# 119 █ se_find_element █ () █
# 120 █ se_is_displayed █ () █
# 121 █ se_is_enabled █ () █
# 122 █ se_is_selected █ () █
# 123 █ se_clear █ () █
# 124 █ se_click █ () █
# 125 █ se_switch_to_frame █ None █
# 126 █ se_location_once_scrolled_into_view █ () █
# 127 █ se_get_screenshot_as_file █ C:\Users\Gamer\anaconda3\envs\dfdir\seleniumpictures\68.png █
# 128 █ se_screenshot █ () █
# 129 █ aa_window_handle █ CDwindow-5EB51E090E4DDEB92ECFA74D9FBF90D3 █
# 130 █ aa_window_switch █ CDwindow-5EB51E090E4DDEB92ECFA74D9FBF90D3() █
# i n d e x █ rows █
# ██████████████████
# Series █ 131 █

# Here is one way of clicking on an item
# This method switches automatically to the right frame before clicking
# df.loc[df.aa_outerText.str.contains("Vaccines.gov", na=False)].iloc[0].js_click()


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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