achoz 0.3.65

Creator: bradpython12

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achoz 0.3.65


like a web search, but for your personal files. demo here
It will just normalize your all documents, and later it will be easy to search.

cregox have a lot of data. files, emails, messages, web links, web content, etc. they also are of different kinds; text, video, audio, apps, etc.
when trying to find something they do remember to be there, sometimes it gets impossible!
the goal of achoz is making cregox self-data-searching-life not only easier, but enable a new world of possibilities, in which they don’t have to worry anymore how to store data for themselves (as long as it’s stored with open and free standards).

more details at
Linux (x86_64,aarch64)
User must have to ensure that you are using same meilisearch version as achoz. Since meilisearch database is not compatible over different version. so achoz have option to install meilisearch for you.
following packages must be installed in your system. Instructions for Debian and ubuntu. use your own package manager to install it.
apt-get install python3-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev antiword unrtf poppler-utils pstotext tesseract-ocr \
flac ffmpeg lame libmad0 libsox-fmt-mp3 sox libjpeg-dev swig

After that. use pip to install achoz.
pip install achoz

Once you have done with above. achoz executable should be in your PATH. Now lets install meilisearch.
sudo achoz --install-meili
it will download and install meilisearch binary at /usr/local/bin/ you could specify another path to install. just make sure that path should be cover by $PATH Environment.
achoz --install-meili path/to/dir
Quick start
achoz start -a ~/Documents

for adding more directory, provide comma sepatated list of dirs. like ~/Documents,~/music
what above command gonna do is, it will start crawling all documents and file in documents directory. and it will start a web server at default port 8990. It will create an config.json at ~/.achoz , you could add more options at config file or with command-line itself.
Also using configuration file is recommended way to go with achoz.
Config file at ~/.achoz/config.json will create automatically if you run achoz with or without option at first time.
Sample config file
"dir_to_index": ["/home/kcubeterm/Documents","/home/kcubeterm/books"],
"dir_to_ignore": ["/home/kcubeterm/secrets"],
"extenstion_to_ignore": ["db","git","mp3","webm"],
"file_to_ignore": [],
"web_port": 8990,
"meili_api_port": 8989,
"data_dir": "/home/kcubeterm/.achoz",
"priority": "low"

Explain config
dir_to_index: contains list of directory which you are willing to normalize(crawl,index,searchable). command line option -a dir1,dir2,dir3 does the same. Don't use any kind of pattern here(except: '~'). use absolute path.
dir_to_ignore: Show your regrex skills here. Patterns can be use to ignore the directory or you can just give absolute path if not advanced patterns. Any hidden directory ignored by default. any pattern you provide will match with directory not file. if you want to ignore files. there is another option.file_to_ignore Note: under the hood. it uses re.match() so make sure your patterns are compatible to python re.match.
extesnion_to_ignore: Just put extension to which ignore. No pattern. just extension.
file_to_ignore: Any python re.match() compatible patterns. It will specifically for files.
web_port : Specify on which port web server gonna listen. Default:8990
meili_api_port: The backend api Meilisearch server gonna listen on it. Default:8989
data_dir: Directory where program will keep metadata and database. Default: ~/.achoz
priority: (High or Low) It will decide priority of CPU time to be given to achoz program. Default: low
Command-line options
achoz -h is enough to know about all command line option.
Techical issues and info

Meilisearch consumes too much ram while indexing. if system dont have enough ram. Meilisearch may not function. make sure you have atleast 700+ MB of free RAM.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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