acm-auto-validate 0.0.5

Creator: bradpython12

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acmautovalidate 0.0.5

ACM Auto-Validate Construct
The ACM Auto-Validate Construct is designed to automate the validation of AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) certificates using DNS validation, especially useful in continuous deployment pipelines. It handles the complexity of validating certificates in a hosted zone that resides in a different AWS account. This automation ensures that certificates requested during infrastructure deployment are validated promptly, allowing CloudFormation templates to proceed without waiting for manual intervention.
Use Case
This construct was initially created to support CDK-based deployment pipelines where certificates requested remained pending validation. By automating this step, it significantly reduces the deployment time and manual overhead, especially in cross-account DNS validation scenarios.

Automated DNS Validation: Automates the creation and deletion of DNS records for ACM certificate validation.
Cross-Account Support: Capable of handling DNS records in a hosted zone that is in a different AWS account.
Event-Driven: Utilizes AWS Lambda and Amazon EventBridge to respond to certificate request events.
SSM Parameter Tracking: Tracks the certificates processed using AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store. Note that SSM parameters are created in the us-east-1 region, but this construct can be deployed to any region that supports ACM, Lambda, and EventBridge.


Two AWS accounts: a source account where the ACM certificates are requested and a zone account where the hosted zone resides.
IAM permissions to create necessary resources in both accounts.
AWS CDK v2 installed.

To use this construct, install it from npm:
npm install acm-auto-validate

Python installation:
pip install acm-auto-validate

Here's an example of how to use these constructs in your CDK application:
import { ACMValidationConstruct, DnsValidationRoleConstruct } from 'acm-auto-validate';
import { App, Stack } from 'aws-cdk-lib';

const app = new App();

// Create a stack in the account where certificates will be requested
const sourceStack = new Stack(app, 'SourceStack', {
env: { account: '111111111111' } // source account ID

// Deploy the ACM validation construct in the source account stack
new ACMValidationConstruct(sourceStack, 'ACMValidationConstruct', {
rolePrefix: 'prod', // must match prefix used in DnsValidationRoleConstruct
zoneAccountId: '222222222222',
zoneName: '',

// Create a stack in the account where the zone is hosted
const zoneStack = new Stack(app, 'ZoneStack', {
env: { account: '222222222222' } // zone account ID

// Deploy the DNS validation role construct in the zone account stack
new DnsValidationRoleConstruct(zoneStack, 'DnsValidationRoleConstruct', {
rolePrefix: 'prod', // must match prefix used in ACMValidationConstruct
sourceAcctId: '111111111111',
zoneAcctId: '222222222222',

from aws_cdk import App, Stack
from acm_auto_validate import (

app = App()

# Create a stack in the account where certificates will be requested
source_stack = Stack(app, 'SourceStack', env={'account': '111111111111'})

# Deploy the ACM validation construct in the source account stack
role_prefix='prod', # must match prefix used in DnsValidationRoleConstruct

# Create a stack in the account where the zone is hosted
zone_stack = Stack(app, 'ZoneStack', env={'account': '222222222222'})

# Deploy the DNS validation role construct in the zone account stack
role_prefix='prod', # must match prefix used in ACMValidationConstruct



ACMValidationConstruct: Deploys the Lambda function (written in Python) and EventBridge rule in the source account. Requires a rolePrefix (such as 'dev' or 'prod'; this is used for naming resources), the zone account ID and the zone name.
DnsValidationRoleConstruct: Deploys the IAM role in the zone account, which the Lambda function assumes. Requires a rolePrefix (such as 'dev' or 'prod'; this is used for naming resources), the source account ID, and the zone account ID.

Contributions to this project are welcome. Please follow the standard procedures for submitting issues or pull requests.
This project is distributed under the Apache License 2.0.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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