AEIporter 2024.8.3

Creator: bradpython12

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AEIporter 2024.8.3

Smart tool for converting Abyss Engine Images to PNG or to AEI or AEI to PNG.

Requiers Python 3... (you will be safe with 3.11)
pip install -r requirements.txt

What works:

Converting single AEI <-> PNG and AEI -> PNG of AEPi supported formats (automaticaly detected).
Batch converting whole directories of these type images.
Drag and drop.
Path text input or file browsing trouhg OS' browser.

What I would like to work / am planning to implement:

AEI arrays support (conversion and editing).
Image preview.
Regex filtering for multiple file conversion.
cmd line support.
something cool.

Made possible by AEPi and it's author Trimatix, by Python devs, by LLMS, by Bill Gates, by that cat I met on a street.
Special thanks to the God almighty.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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