aflak 0.0.11

Creator: bradpython12

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aflak 0.0.11

===============================================================aflak - Advanced Framework for Learning Astrophysical Knowledge===============================================================.. figure:: :alt: Build status**IN ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT: Features and API highly unstable!**Environment===========Support Python3.5+.Install=======You can install `aflak` using any of the following methods.Using pip---------This is the recommended way of installing aflak as a user. Please make sureto install `aflak` for python 3.x. It will not work on python 2.x... code :: bash pip install aflak # pip should point to python3! pip3 install aflak # Use `pip3' if you are on Debian or UbuntuDepending on your python install, you should be able to run aflak form thecommand line with any of these commands.. code :: bash aflak # This should work in most environment python -m aflak # `python' should be the python 3.x interpreter! python3 -m aflakUsing .deb files----------------*Only `Debian Stretch` and `Ubuntu 17.10` are supported for now.*Download the .deb file of the latest release from it with:.. code :: bash sudo dpkg -i aflak-X.X.X-release.deb # If dependencies are missing, you should then run: sudo apt-get install -fRemove it with:.. code :: bash sudo apt-get remove aflakFrom source locally-------------------.. code :: bash git clone cd aflak virtualenv -p python3 venv . ./venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt ./runOpen a FITS file================:: aflak my-fits-file.fitsThe provided FITS file is required to have the following extensions:- 'FLUX': 3D data containing 2D luminosity component for each wavelength value- 'WAVE': 1D data containing value of each target wavelengthAfter some fiddling you should be able to get a window like below:.. figure:: images/2017-11-13-screenshot.jpg?raw=true :alt: Screen capture of the running GUI applicationGet sample FITS files=====================The Makefile contains a few recipes to get sample fits files.Run make as below::: make data/manga-7443-12703-LINCUBE.fitsTo see a fits file header=========================:: fold -w 80 foo.fits | lessTODO====- Show arbitrary sums over spectral data (currently only show one frame)- Benchmark / Test with several fits files- Set a label on the histogram's Y-axis (flux [1E-17 erg/s/cm^2])v0.0.11=======Change:- Delete Menu button inherited from pyqtgraph (59167a5)v0.0.10=======Fix:- Image orientation (240e4cf)- Crash on Python 3.5 (691f08d)- Can also use `-v` flag to output version (50acf19)- Fix crash in (538cb89)v0.0.9======Fix:- Crash on Python 3.5 (c3cf229)v0.0.8======New:- Include compass showing North (red) and East (blue) directions- Tick labels of image axes are shown in absolute and relative equatorial coordinates.Fix:- Read waveform's unit from FITS header (31fd99b)v0.0.7======New:- Add icon to debian releasev0.0.6======New:- Make .deb files for easy distributionFix:- Force use of PyQt5, even if PyQt4 happen to be installed (28cb7a0)- Increase size of ROI handles, making them easier to be grabbed (e533168)v0.0.5======New:- Add 3 types of ROI: polygonal, ecliptic and semi-automatic. In semi-automatic mode, the use is free to choose and point and a threshold. All the points above the threshold around the selected point will be inside the ROI.- Add a "Recent Files" menu. No need to look far away for your FITS files.Change:- Delete ROI button and move ROI management inside menu.Fix:- Output of --version under some some circumstances (fa7e211)- Name of main window is set to 'aflak' (6677775)v0.0.4======New:- FITS menu from which FITS header can be seen- Version flag to CLI- `About' dialog box in Help menuv0.0.3======Fix: Run aflak as module (with `python -m aflak`)New:- Include some unit tests- Include units in waveform axes, read from loaded FITS filesv0.0.2======Fix: Use logarithmic scale on brightness histogramsv0.0.1======Very first version released on PyPI. Can only open FITS files and visualizeFLUX and WAVE data.


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