agentarchives 0.9.0

Creator: bradpython12

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agentarchives 0.9.0

Clients to retrieve, add, and modify records from archival management systems.
Agentarchives is on PyPI!
pip install agentarchives
Or you can install it directly from git
pip install git+
Dependency issue on MacOs
Agentarchvies depends on the mysqlclient package which has a bug which can possibly fail an install when using homebrew on MacOs computers. A solution suggested on the mysqlclient site is to change mysql_config on or about line 112:
# Create options
libs="$libs -l "

# Create options
libs="$libs -lmysqlclient -lssl -lcrypto"

See also this blog.
This library can be used to interact with Archivists Toolkit,
ArchivesSpace, and Access To Memory (AtoM).
First, you need to import the module in your Python script:
from agentarchives import archivesspace

Then, initiate a new client, passing in the URL, user name, password, port and repository for your AS instance:
client = archivesspace.ArchivesSpaceClient('http://localhost', 'admin', 'admin', 8089, 2)

Using your client, call one of the included functions (documented in For example, the following:
$ resource = client.get_record('/repositories/2/resources/1')
$ print resource

will return:
"classifications": [],
"create_time": "2015-11-17T00:23:19Z",
"created_by": "admin",
"dates": [
"create_time": "2015-11-17T00:23:19Z",
"created_by": "admin",
"date_type": "bulk",
"expression": "maybe 1999",
"jsonmodel_type": "date",
"label": "creation",
"last_modified_by": "admin",
"lock_version": 0,
"system_mtime": "2015-11-17T00:23:19Z",
"user_mtime": "2015-11-17T00:23:19Z"
"deaccessions": [],
"extents": [
"create_time": "2015-11-17T00:23:19Z",
"created_by": "admin",
"extent_type": "cassettes",
"jsonmodel_type": "extent",
"last_modified_by": "admin",
"lock_version": 0,
"number": "1",
"portion": "whole",
"system_mtime": "2015-11-17T00:23:19Z",
"user_mtime": "2015-11-17T00:23:19Z"
"external_documents": [],
"external_ids": [],
"id_0": "blah",
"instances": [],
"jsonmodel_type": "resource",
"language": "aar",
"last_modified_by": "admin",
"level": "collection",
"linked_agents": [],
"linked_events": [],
"lock_version": 0,
"notes": [],
"publish": false,
"related_accessions": [],
"repository": {
"ref": "/repositories/2"
"restrictions": false,
"revision_statements": [],
"rights_statements": [],
"subjects": [],
"suppressed": false,
"system_mtime": "2015-11-17T00:23:19 Z",
"title": "blah",
"tree": {
"ref": "/repositories/2/resources/1/tree"
"uri": "/repositories/2/resources/1",
"user_mtime": "2015-11-17T00:23:19 Z"

Access To Memory (AtoM)
First, you need to import the module in your Python script:
from agentarchives import atom

Then, initiate a new client, passing in the URL, REST API access token, password, and port for your AtoM instance:
client = atom.AtomClient('http://localhost', '68405800c6612599', 80)

Using your client, call one of the included functions (documented in For example, the following:
$ resource = client.get_record('test-fonds')
$ print resource

Will return:
"dates": [
"begin": "2014-01-01",
"end": "2015-01-01",
"type": "Creation"
"level_of_description": "Fonds",
"notes": [
"content": "Note content",
"type": "general"
"publication_status": "Draft",
"reference_code": "F2",
"title": "Test fonds"

Current AtoM client limitations (versus the ArchivesSpace client):

Identifier wildcard search not supported
Creation of multiple notes not supported
Nested digital objects not supported
The ability to add/list notes with no content isn't supported


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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