agrossuite 2024.7.4.35220

Creator: bradpython12

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agrossuite 2024.7.4.35220

Agros Suite - An application for solution of physical fields
Agros Suite is a multiplatform application for the solution of physical problems based on the deal.II library, developed by the group at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. Agros Suite is distributed under the GNU General Public License.
Supported Physical fields

Electric Currents
Magnetic field
Heat Transfer
Structural Mechanics
Incompressible Flow
RF Field

Key Features

Coupled field solution with the possibility of weak and hard coupling
Newton and Picard solvers for nonlinear problems
Steady state, harmonic, or transient analysis
Automatic space (h, p and hp) and time adaptivity
Triangle and quad meshing using Triangle or GMSH
Curvilinear elements and arbitrary level hanging nodes
Computing of the trajectory of charged particles in electromagnetic field
intuitive and powerful preprocessor and postprocessor
visualization of field variables, calculations of local values, surface and volume integrals
scripting using Python


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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