aho 1.3.2

Creator: bradpython12

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aho 1.3.2

General purpose Discord bot.

python3 (>=3.11.2) with pip

Clone and install in virtualenv

git clone git@gitlab.com:nul.one/aho.git
cd aho
setup and enable virtualenv with correct version of python
pip install ./aho

Install from pypi
pip install aho
Note that running aho bot will create a socket file in current directory.

aho --help - show available commands
aho run --help - show options for running

You can run the bot with these minimal options:
Additional run options and environment varibles
Each of these variables can be set using corresponding env variable. If both command line option and env variable are present, the command line option will be used.

-t, --token or export TOKEN Discord bot authorization token.
-o, --owner or export OWNER Bot owner (dev) Discord user ID.
--database Path to sqlite database file. If not provided, it will use ephemeral database in ram.
--prefix or export DEFAULT_PREFIX Default prefix in guilds. Each guild prefix can be configured in the guild itself.
--description or export BOT_DESCRIPTION Bot description that shows up in guild commands help printout.
-n, --name or export BOT_NAME Bot name that shows up in guild commands help printout.
--openai or export OPENAI_API_KEY OpenAI API secret key.
--openai-system-message or export OPENAI_SYSTEM_MESSAGE Default ChatGPT system message if you want to customize it.
-l, --log-file Log file path.

These are the features as used from Discord. All of these should start with a bot prefix (default is aho ) specific for each guild.
Metadata is a list of key/value pairs associated with either a guild, channel, user or member. You can create any key/value pair. Some specific keys are used by other extensions and features. Having an unrestricted key/value pair simplifies configuration of existing features or adding new features in the future.
Here is a list of commands for manipulating metadata:

meta (guild|CHANNEL_TAG|MEMBER_TAG) (get|set) KEY [VALUE] This will get the value of a key for selected entity or set the new value.

The guild as an entity is just a literal word "guild" or "g" for short. There is no tag for a guild. E.g. meta g set prefix ~.
If you want to delete a key/value entry, use set command without the value. E.g. meta g set openai_api_key.
To list keys/vlues, omit key when getting. E.g. meta #general get.
User meta
This is separate command to manipulate user specific metadata as opposed to a member. Member is user entity tied to a guild. User metadata is same across all guilds for a specific user. As such, this command is restricted to a bot owner (see --owner option in instructions on how to run the bot).
The command is similar to how meta works:


Moderation commands
These commands are used for user/channel/guild moderation and are available to users with those specific permissions.

unban (MEMEBER_TAG|DISCORD_USER_ID) lift a user ban.
kick (MEMEBER_TAG|DISCORD_USER_ID) [REASON] kick a user from guild.
perms (MEMEBER_TAG|DISCORD_USER_ID) display member permissions in guild.
clear [N] delete N lines (defaults to 1) right above in the current channel.

OpenAI (ChatGPT) chat
There are 2 modes of chatting with ChatGPT bot: using chat command and using a chat specific channel. ChatGPT 3.5 is being used as of the time of writing this manual.
Chat command
Guild level metadata values should be configured:

openai_api_key Put your OpenAI API key here. Alternatively, you can specify this value when running the bot with --openai option or exporting OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable. Note that by doing so the api will be enabled by default on all guilds. I recommend having a specific setting in metadata for each guild if your discord bot is publically available.
openai_system_message This is optional and is used if you want to customize your ChatGPT experience.

Using a chat command, e.g. chat Hello! Can you tell me the radius of Earth? will initiate a respons from the bot in all channels.
Chat channel
You can configure one channel that will always initiate a response from a bot, no commands need to be used in it. To configure a channel for this, set these meta variables at the channel level:

openai_chat_enabled Set it to 1 to start using this channel as dedicated for a chatbot interraction.
openai_system_message Optional, same as for chat command. Each dedicated channel can have specific ChatGPT customization.

You still need an openai_api_key set at the guild level for this dedicated channel chat to work.
Members who have permission to manage other members can use the point system. Point system is used to award other members for any deeds or to promote competitive environment. It's up to you on how you will use this feature.

transaction (MEMBER_TAG|DISCORD_USER_ID) AMOUNT [DESCRIPTION] Add (or remove by adding negative AMOUNT) points to a member.

Points can be visible in the member info (see info command).
Member Info
Use this command to see following information about a member:

number of points
guild joining date and joining position
guild roles
discord account creation date

Use it as so info If you don't provide a member tag or ID, it will show your own info.
Roll dice in NdN format, first number being number of dice and second being number of sides on each die.

roll [NdN] Default is 1d6 which you can use without arguments.


addemoji EMOJI NAME Copy an existing emoji (that you can access from another server with Discord premium) and add it to the current server under a new NAME.
getemoji EMOJI Get a link to the emoji image or animation.

General purpose commands

help [command] Show usage of specific command. If you don't specify a command, it will list all commands with short description.
avatar [MEMBER_TAG|DISCORD_USER_ID] It will reply with a member avatar image. If you don't provide a member tag or ID, it will show your own avatar.
embed "Some Title" Some message. This will create an embeded message in a current channel and delete your command message. Used to create emphasized messages.
info [MEMBER_TAG|DISCORD_USER_ID] Show member info, including number of points, guild joining date and position, guild roles and discord account creation date. If you don't specify a member, your own info will be shown.
prefix NEW_PREFIX Set new Discord bot prefix at a guild level.
version Display the current bot version.

Versioning and compatibility
Starting from version 1.3.0 the versions will follow Semantic versioning v2.0.0.
3-Clause BSD License which you can see in the LICENSE file.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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