ampel-hu-astro 0.10.0a2

Creator: bradpython12

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ampelhuastro 0.10.0a2


Contributed Ampel units from HU/DESY group

Install poetry. If you install poetry with conda, be sure to install it in its own environment, e.g. conda create -n poetry.
git clone; cd Ampel-HU-astro
Check your virtualenv setup with poetry env info (or conda run -n poetry poetry env info if using conda). The output should include:
Python: 3.10.x

If not, point poetry at an installation of Python 3.10 with (conda run -n poetry) poetry env use PATH_TO_PYTHON_310
(conda run -n poetry) poetry install -E "ztf sncosmo extcats notebook"
cd notebooks
(conda run -n poetry) poetry run jupyter notebook

This will allow a number of Demo / access / development notebooks to be run. Note that most of them
requires an access token if data is to be retrieved.
Provided units

T0 units (alert filters):

PredetectionFilter: Filter derived from the DecentFilter.
RcfFilter: Filter for the ZTF Redshift Completeness Factor program..
RedshiftCatalogFilter: Filter derived from DecentFilter designed to only accept transients located close to a galaxy in a catalog, and within redshift bounds.
SimpleDecentFilter: General-purpose filter devloped alongside DecentFilter but without use of external catalogs.
StellarFilter: a.k.a. as the IndecentFilter, i.e. an inversion of the DecentFilter mainly used for finding extragalactic objects.
TransientInClusterFilter: Filter derived from the DecentFilter, in addition selecting candidates with position compatible with that of nearby galaxy clusters..
XShooterFilter: Filter derived from the DecentFilter, in addition selecting very new transients which are visible from the South.

T2 units (augment):

T2BayesianBlocks: T2 unit for running a bayesian block search algorithm to highlight excess regions.
T2BrightSNProb: Derive a number of simple metrics describing the rise, peak and decline of a lc.
T2CatalogMatchLocal: Cross matches the position of a transient to those of sources in a set of catalogs.
T2DemoLightcurveFitter: Demonstration class showing how methods of T2BaseLightcurveFitter can be used develop a specific classifier.
T2DigestRedshifts: Compare potential matches from different T2 units providing redshifts.
T2ElasticcRedshiftSampler: Parse the elasticc diaSource host information and returns a list of redshifts and weights.
T2ElasticcReport: Parse a series of T2 results from T2RunParsnip and T2XgbClassifier, and create combined classifications according to the taxonomy of
T2FastDecliner: Determine decline rate in two last obs.
T2InfantCatalogEval: Evaluate whether a transient fulfills criteria for being a potentially infant (extragalactic) transient.
T2KilonovaEval: Evaluate whether a transient fulfills criteria for being a potential kilonova-like event.
T2LCQuality: determine the 'quality' of the light curve by computing ratios between the number of detection and that of upper limits.
T2LSPhotoZTap: Query the NOIR DataLab service for photometric redshifts from the Legacy Survey.
T2LoadRedshift: Add redshifts from external .csv.
T2MatchBTS: Add information from the BTS explorer page.
T2MultiXgbClassifier: For a range of xgboost classifier models, find a classification.
T2NedSNCosmo: Fits lightcurves using SNCOSMO (using SALT2 defaultwise) with redshift constrained by catalog matching results.
T2NedTap: See also:*+FROM+TAP_SCHEMA.tables&REQUEST=doQuery&LANG=ADQL&FORMAT=text Export all NED:*+FROM+NEDTAP.objdir&REQUEST=doQuery&LANG=ADQL&FORMAT=text.
T2PS1ThumbExtCat: Retrieve panstarrs images at datapoint location and for each tied extcat catalog matching result.
T2PS1ThumbNedSNCosmo: This state t2 unit is tied with the state T2 unit T2NedSNCosmo.
T2PS1ThumbNedTap: This point t2 unit is tied with the point T2 unit T2NedTap.
T2PanStarrThumbPrint: Retrieve panstarrs images at datapoint location and save these as compressed svg into the returned dict.
T2RunParsnip: Gathers information and runs the parsnip model and classifier.
T2RunPossis: Load a POSSIS kilnova model and fit to a LightCurve object as process is called.
T2RunSncosmo: Gathers information and runs Sncosmo.
T2RunSnoopy: Gathers information and runs snoopy.
T2RunTDE: Create a TDE model and fit to a LightCurve object as process is called.
T2TNSEval: Evalute whether a transient fulfills criteria for submission to TNS.
T2XgbClassifier: Load a series of xgboost classifier models (distinguished by number of detections) and return a classification.

T3 units (react):

AstroColibriPublisher: Publish results to AstroColibri.
ChannelSummaryPublisher: Create a json file with summary statistics for the channel.
CostCounter: Derive metrics for the total cost, as parsed by the provided documents.
ElasticcClassPublisher: This unit is intended to submit classifications to the DESC TOM db during the ELAsTICC LSST alert simulation.
HealpixCorrPlotter: Compare healpix coordinate P-value with output from T2RunSncosmo..
HealpixTokenGenerator: Based on a URL to a Healpix map.
PlotLightcurveSample: Unit plots results from lightcurve fitters (RunSncosmo, RunParsnip).
PlotTransientLightcurves: Create a (pdf) plot summarizing lightcurves of candidates provided to the unit.
RandomMapGenerator: Generate smoothed circular healpix probability values around a random coordinate..
RapidBase: Trigger rapid reactions.
RapidLco: Submit LCO triggers for candidates passing criteria..
RapidSedm: Select transients for rapid reactions.
ScoreSingleObject: Calculate score based on how early a specific SN is detected.
ScoreTNSObjects: Calculate score based on detection time reported to TNS, if any..
SubmitTNS: Submit candidates to TNS (unless already submitted).
TransientTablePublisher: Construct a table based on selected T2 output values.
VOEventPublisher: Unit for creating a VOEvent pased on T2output and transient LightCurve.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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