
Creator: coderz1093

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android content provider

android_content_provider #
This plugin exposes ContentProvider and related ContentResolver APIs on Android.
Android 11 package visibility #
Android 11 introduced a security mechanism that is called a package visibility.
If you are using AndroidContentResolver and trying to access some content provider within a package that is not
visible by default,
your app will fail to connect to it.
To fix this, add to your AndroidManifest.xml a new <queries> element:
<package android:name="" />
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Configuring AndroidContentProvider #
You may ignore these steps if you only want to use AndroidContentResolver.

Use the FlutterEngineGroup, provided by the plugin, in your MainActivity
to improve performance and reduce memory footprint from engine creation.
This step is optional, but is strongly recommended.


import android.content.Context
import com.nt4f04und.android_content_provider.AndroidContentProvider
import io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine

class MainActivity : FlutterActivity() {
override fun provideFlutterEngine(context: Context): FlutterEngine? {
return AndroidContentProvider.getFlutterEngineGroup(this)
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import android.content.Context;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;

import com.nt4f04und.android_content_provider.AndroidContentProvider;

import io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine;

public class MainActivity extends FlutterActivity {
public FlutterEngine provideFlutterEngine(@NonNull Context context) {
return AndroidContentProvider.Companion.getFlutterEngineGroup(this)
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Subclass AndroidContentProvider in native code, setting the authority and Dart entrypoint name you want to use


package com.example.myapp // <-- replace this with your package

import com.nt4f04und.android_content_provider.AndroidContentProvider

class MyAndroidContentProvider : AndroidContentProvider() {
override val authority: String = "com.example.myapp.MyAndroidContentProvider"
override val entrypointName = "exampleContentProviderEntrypoint"
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package com.example.myapp; // <-- replace this with your package

import com.nt4f04und.android_content_provider.AndroidContentProvider;

import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;

public class MyAndroidContentProvider extends AndroidContentProvider {
public String getAuthority() {
return "com.example.myapp.MyAndroidContentProvider";

public String getEntrypointName() {
return "exampleContentProviderEntrypoint";
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Declare your ContentProvider in the AndroidManifest.xml.

If you want to allow other apps to access the provider unconditionally

android:exported="true" />
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If you want to make other apps declare <uses-permission>

android:writePermission="com.example.myapp.permission.WRITE" />
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Subclass AndroidContentProvider in Dart code and override needed methods

import 'package:android_content_provider/android_content_provider.dart';

class MyAndroidContentProvider extends AndroidContentProvider {
MyAndroidContentProvider(String authority) : super(authority);

Future<int> delete(
String uri,
String? selection,
List<String>? selectionArgs,
) async {
return 0;

Future<String?> getType(String uri) async {
return null;

Future<String?> insert(String uri, ContentValues? values) async {
return null;

Future<CursorData?> query(
String uri,
List<String>? projection,
String? selection,
List<String>? selectionArgs,
String? sortOrder,
) async {
return null;

Future<int> update(
String uri,
ContentValues? values,
String? selection,
List<String>? selectionArgs,
) async {
return 0;
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Create the Dart entrypoint

void exampleContentProviderEntrypoint() {
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