ansys-optislang-core 0.8.0

Creator: bradpython12

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ansysoptislangcore 0.8.0

PyOptiSLang is a Python wrapper for Ansys optiSLang. It supports Pythonic
access to Ansys optiSLang to be able to communicate with Ansys optiSLang directly from Python.
The latest ansys-optislang package provides these capabilities:

Starting and managing local instances of Ansys optiSLang
Remote connections to Ansys optiSLang instances via TCP/IP
Create new Ansys optiSLang project
Open existing Ansys optiSLang project
Control Ansys optiSLang project execution
Save Ansys optiSLang project
Execute classic Ansys optiSLang Python API script on backend side
Evaluate designs on root project level
Create and connect nodes

Documentation and issues
For comprehensive information on PyOptiSLang, see the latest release
documentation. On the
PyOptiSLang Issues page,
you can create issues to submit questions, report bugs, and request new features.
This is the best place to post questions and code.

The ansys-optislang-core package supports Python 3.8 through 3.12 on
Windows and Linux. Three modes of installation are available:

User installation
Developer installation
Offline installation

For either a developer or offline installation, consider using a virtual environment.

User installation
Install the latest release from PyPi with this command:
pip install ansys-optislang-core
Alternatively, install the latest PyOptiSLang GitHub package with this command:
pip install git+

Developer installation
If you plan on doing local development with GitHub, clone and
install PyOptiSLang with this code:
git clone
cd pyoptislang
pip install -e .
A developer installation allows you to edit ansys-optislang-core
files locally. Any changes that you make are reflected in your setup
after restarting the Python kernel.

Offline installation
Using a wheelhouse can be helpful if you work for a company that restricts access to
external networks. From the Releases
page in the PyOptiSLang repository, you can find the wheelhouses for a particular release in its
assets and download the wheelhouse corresponding to your setup.
You can then install PyOptiSLang and all of its dependencies from one single entry point
that can be shared internally, which eases the security review of the PyOptiSLang package content.
For example, on Linux with Python 3.8, unzip the wheelhouse and install PyOptiSLang with code
like this:
unzip wheelhouse
pip install ansys-optislang-core -f wheelhouse --no-index --upgrade --ignore-installed
If you’re on Windows with Python 3.9, unzip the wheelhouse to a wheelhouse directory and
then install using the same pip command as in the preceding Linux code example.

You must have a local licensed copy or a remote instance of optiSLang installed. The first
supported version is 2023 R1.

Getting started
Using the Optislang class, you can either launch optiSLang locally or connect to a
remote optiSLang instance.

Launch optiSLang locally
For launching optiSLang locally, both the host and port parameters in the Optislang
class must be set to None, which are their defaults. Other parameters can optionally
be specified.
from ansys.optislang.core import Optislang

osl = Optislang()

Connect to a remote optiSLang instance
For remote connection, it is assumed that an optiSLang instance is already running on
a remote (or local) host as a server. In this case, you must specify the host and port
parameters. Parameters related to the execution of a new optiSLang instance are ignored.
from ansys.optislang.core import Optislang

host = ""
port = 5310
osl = Optislang(host=host, port=port)

Basic usage
This code shows how to launch optiSLang locally, open and run a Python
script file, save the results to a new project, and then close the
from ansys.optislang.core import Optislang

osl = Optislang()
file_path = r"C:\Users\Username\my_scripts\"

License and acknowledgments
PyOptiSLang is licensed under the MIT license.
PyOptiSLang makes no commercial claim over Ansys whatsoever. This library extends the
functionality of Ansys optiSLang by adding a Python interface to optiSLang without
changing the core behavior or license of the original software. The use of the interactive control
of PyOptiSLang requires a legally licensed local copy of optiSLang.
For more information on optiSLang, see the Ansys optiSLang
page on the Ansys website.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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