antsibull-docutils 1.0.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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antsibulldocutils 1.0.0

antsibull-docutils -- Antsibull docutils helpers

A Python library with some docutils helpers used by Antsibull tools.
antsibull-docutils is covered by the Ansible Code of Conduct.
Install and run nox to run all tests. That's it for simple contributions!
nox will create virtual environments in .nox inside the checked out project
and install the requirements needed to run the tests there.
To run specific tests:

nox -e test to only run unit tests;
nox -e coverage to display combined coverage results after running nox -e test integration;
nox -e lint to run all linters and formatters at once;
nox -e formatters to run isort and black;
nox -e codeqa to run flake8, pylint, reuse lint, and antsibull-changelog lint;
nox -e typing to run mypy.

Creating a new release:

Run nox -e bump -- <version> <release_summary_message>. This:

Bumps the package version in src/antsibull_docutils/
Creates changelogs/fragments/<version>.yml with a release_summary section.
Runs antsibull-changelog release and adds the changed files to git.
Commits with message Release <version>. and runs git tag -a -m 'antsibull-docutils <version>' <version>.
Runs hatch build --clean.

Run git push to the appropriate remotes.
Once CI passes on GitHub, run nox -e publish. This:

Runs hatch publish;
Bumps the version to <version>.post0;
Adds the changed file to git and run git commit -m 'Post-release version bump.';

Run git push --follow-tags to the appropriate remotes and create a GitHub release.

Unless otherwise noted in the code, it is licensed under the terms of the GNU
General Public License v3 or, at your option, later. See
for a copy of the license.
The repository follows the REUSE Specification for declaring copyright and
licensing information. The only exception are changelog fragments in changelog/fragments/.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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