Apache-TrafficControl 3.1.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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ApacheTrafficControl 3.1.0

This is the Traffic Ops Python Client for Python 3.x.

The official installation method is to use pip to install directly from from GitHub.
pip install git+https://github.com/apache/trafficcontrol.git#"egg=trafficops&subdirectory=traffic_control/clients/python"

# or
# pip install git+ssh://git@github.com/apache/trafficcontrol.git#"egg=trafficops&subdirectory=traffic_control/clients/python"

Local Installation
The preferred method is to use pip to install locally. Starting from the repository’s root directory, the following script should do the job:
cd traffic_control/clients/python
pip install .

# The above will install using the system's default Python interpreter - to use a specific
# version it will be necessary to specify the interpreter and pass the 'pip' module to it.
# e.g. for the system's default Python 2 interpreter, typically one would do:
# sudo -H /usr/bin/env python3 -m pip install .

# Developers may wish to use the '-e' flag. This will install the package 'edit-ably',
# meaning that changes made to the package within the repository structure will be effected on
# the system-wide installation.
# sudo -H pip install -e .

# If your system does not have 'pip', but does (somehow) have 'setuptools' as well
# as the package's dependencies, you can call 'setup.py' directly to install the
# package for the system's default Python 3 interpreter
# sudo -H ./setup.py install
The local installation method requires pip and setuptools. setuptools should be installed if your system has pip, but if you are missing either of them they can both be relatively easily installed with Python standard libraries.
# Here I'm using 'python' because that points to a Python 3 interpreter on my system. You may
# wish to use 'python3' instead.
sudo -H python -m ensure_pip
sudo -H python -m pip install -U pip

# If your system's 'python' already has 'pip', then you may skip to this step to
# install only 'setuptools'
sudo -H python -m pip install setuptools

Development Dependencies
To install the development dependencies, first ensure that your system has pip and setuptools then use pip to install the development environment.

Currently, the development environment only requires Pylint, which is a simple linter for which a configuration file is provided at traffic_control/clients/python/pylint.rc.

pip install -e .[dev]

The trafficops.__version__ module contains only the __version__ “constant” which
gives the version of this Apache-TrafficControl package and not the version of
Apache Traffic Control for which it was made. The two are versioned separately, to allow the
client to grow in a version-controlled manner without being tied to the release cadence of Apache
Traffic Control as a whole.
Version 3.0 is supported for use with Apache Traffic Control versions 7.0 and 6.1. New functionality
will be added as the Traffic Ops API evolves, but changes to this client will remain non-breaking for
existing code using it until the next major version is released.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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