APImetrics 0.2.2

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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APImetrics 0.2.2

Command line-callable Python library that makes it easier to call APImetrics’ APIs.
For use with your APImetrics monitoring service. Please sign up at http://client.apimetrics.io and create an API key at https://client.apimetrics.io/settings/api-key
Create a settings file at /etc/APImetrics or ~/.APImetrics or locally (specify it with the -cfg flag)
Use command apimetrics -a YOUR_API_KEY to save the key.
Command-line usage:
usage: apimetrics [-h] [--apimetrics APIMETRICS] [--config CONFIG]

positional arguments:
sub-command help
auth auth help
call call help
deployment deployment help
report report help
token token help
workflow workflow help
alert alert help
notification notification help

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit

APImetrics settings

Set the APImetrics key to use
--config CONFIG, -cfg CONFIG
Set the config file to use
--simulate, -s Simulate - don't call the APImetrics API
APImetrics module
You may also write your own scripts - look in the apimetrics/scripts folder for example code.

The example may also be called from the command line, e.g.:
python -m apimetrics.scripts.delete_deployments --name "^z "

This version tested with Python 2.7.6 and 3.5.2


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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