apiphant 0.2.5

Creator: bradpython12

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apiphant 0.2.5


Based on gevent.wsgi, optimized for tens of thousands of concurrent users.
Simple! Try it:
mkdir -p myproduct/api/v0
touch {myproduct,myproduct/api,myproduct/api/v0}/__init__.py

cat <<END >myproduct/api/v0/echo.py
# from myproduct.api import anything
def read(request):
response = request.copy()
response.server = 'myproduct'
return response

sudo apt-get install --yes gcc libevent-dev python-dev
sudo pip install apiphant
apiphant myproduct

# POST http://{host}:{port}/api/{version}/{t/a/r/g/e/t}/{action}
curl -X POST -d '{"hello": "world"}'
{"hello": "world", "server": "myproduct"}

Automated functional tests in Python:
apiphant myproduct

cat <<END >test.py
from apiphant.test import test
test('echo', 'read', {"hello": "world"}, 200, {"hello": "world", "server": "myproduct"})

python test.py
POST {"hello": "world"} --> 200 {'hello': 'world', 'server': 'myproduct'}

Please see how this shell script
can help to run Python tests in
Optional full-stack deploy! Supervisor, Nginx, Logrotate, Apt, Pip, etc.

Copy myproduct template.
Replace myproduct with your product name in all configs and scripts.
Run root deploy.sh and enjoy the show.

This deploy framework is going:

To get Virtualenv bootstraper.
To be extracted to a separate opensource repo.

Validate request fields and subfields, raise errors:
from apiphant.validation import ApiError, field, Invalid

def read(request):
id = field(request, 'id', is_required=True, valid_type=int)
# More options: default_value, valid_value, valid_length, max_length, explain.

item = get_item(id)
if not item:
raise Invalid('id')
# that is a shortcut for:
raise ApiError(400, {"field": "id", "state": "invalid"})

raise Invalid('id', id) # {"field": "id", "state": "invalid", "explain": -1}

Background tasks may be scheduled:
cat <<END >myproduct/api/background.py # Or background/__init__.py importing modules of tasks.
from apiphant.background import seconds

def update_something():

apiphant-background myproduct

INFO at background.main:107 [2013-08-12 13:16:52,624] Task update_something: OK.
INFO at background.main:107 [2013-08-12 13:17:53,012] Task update_something: OK.

* Error tracebacks are logged and may be e.g. emailed::

def on_error(error):
send_email_message(to=email_config['user'], subject='Error', text=error, **email_config)
# See https://pypi.python.org/pypi/send_email_message

def update_something():

apiphant-background myproduct

ERROR at background.main:92 [2013-08-12 13:22:41,205] Task update_something failed:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "...myproduct/api/background.py", line 18, in update_something
ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero

INFO at background.main:104 [2013-08-12 13:22:43,229] on_error: OK.
# Email is sent.

version value v0 used in the example
means API is not public yet, and maybe never will,
so is expected to be changed without notification.
action is one of CRUD:
create, read, update, delete.
Reasons why CRUD
is implemented without use of HTTP methods
that are recommended by REST:

Best match for generally partial «Update» action is PATCH method,
but it is not supported by our gevent.wsgi webserver and several clients.
Much more standard PUT method means «Replace»,
that is not how «Update» should work in general case.
Imagine SQL UPDATE working as «Replace».
Some cases allow only GET and POST,
e.g. cross-origin requests in some browsers,
while at least DELETE method is required for full set of actions.
So POST is selected as «a uniform method», suitable for all actions:
«The actual function performed by the POST method
is determined by the server» - HTTP/1.1.

{“json”: “object”} is used for both request and response,
to speak one language easily with any client.

No X-Custom-HTTP: Headers.
No ?url=encoded%20query%20string.
No need to check the type of root JSON value,
it is always object with self-describing names inside,
not just bare value like 42.

However, URL still contains several request parameters, because:

Different targets may be routed by load balancers
to different backend servers using simple URL location routing.
version, target and action are always required,
so may be positional parameters,
improving readability and saving resources in a natural way.

The purity of the concept above should not stand in your way.
If you need e.g. to upload a file as “multipart/form-data”,
you may use raw wsgi environ:
sudo pip install multipart

from multipart import parse_form_data
from apiphant.server import raw_environ

def create(environ):
forms, files = parse_form_data(environ)

And if you need to return e.g. not “application/json”,
you may use raw wsgi response, with or without @raw_environ:
from apiphant.server import raw_environ, raw_response

def create(environ, start_response):
start_response(status, headers)
return [response]


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