apitist 4.3.0

Creator: bradpython12

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apitist 4.3.0

Brand new way to test your API
Main features:

Adding hooks for requests library
Default hooks for:

Structuring/Unstructuring data

Run the following command in your command line::
pip install apitist

If you want to use predefined random types please install additional requirements:
pip install -e apitist[random]

Session and client creation
Session can take base_url parameter which will be used to prepend before requesting path.
from apitist.requests import session

session = session("https://httpbin.org/v1")
session.get("/get") # Here request will be made to `https://httpbin.org/v1/get`

You can safely pass path and base_url with leading/forwarding slash:
from apitist.requests import session


In all examples above requests would be made to https://httpbin.org/v1/get.
Request decorators
Apitist offers all default requests types as a class method decorator, but there are some
requirements for that:

Class, where you use decorators, should contain session parameter, with Session object
Function, which is decorated, must return None or dict with parameters, that will be passed
to request function of Session object, like: headers, data, json and so on.
You can use format placeholders in decorators url parameter, but you should remember that
parameters from method will be passed to format method AS IS - args to args, kwargs to kwargs.
As a result this code won't work:
class ExampleClient:

def delete_user(self, id, method): ...

Example client class:
from apitist import session
from apitist.decorators import get, post, put, delete

class ExampleClient:
session = session("http://example.com/v1")

def get_user(self): ...

def get_user(self, id): ...

def create_user(self, data):
return {"json": data}

def update_user(self, id, data):
return {"json": data}

def delete_user(self, id, method="hide"): ...

Shared Session
Shared Session class can be used to share cookies between different sessions.
from apitist import session, SharedSession

s1 = session("https://google.com")
s2 = session("https://yandex.ru")

ss = SharedSession(s1, s2)


assert s1.cookies == s2.cookies


assert s1.cookies == s2.cookies

Default hooks

RequestDebugLoggingHook - logs request content with level DEBUG
RequestInfoLoggingHook - logs request content with level INFO
PrepRequestDebugLoggingHook - logs prepared request content (e.g. you will see query parameters in URL) with level DEBUG
PrepRequestInfoLoggingHook - logs prepared request content with level INFO
ResponseDebugLoggingHook - logs response content with level DEBUG
ResponseInfoLoggingHook - logs response content with level INFO
RequestAttrsConverterHook - converts attrs class in data field into json
RequestDataclassConverterHook - converts dataclass class in data field into json
ResponseAttrsConverterHook - adds structure(type) function to requests.Response class, which will structure
response according to attrs class given to it
ResponseDataclassConverterHook - adds structure(type) function to requests.Response class, which will structure
response according to dataclass class given to it

Example usage
from apitist import PrepRequestInfoLoggingHook, ResponseInfoLoggingHook
from apitist import session

s = session()
PrepRequestInfoLoggingHook.formatter = "Best formatter {req.method} {req.url}"


s.post("https://httpbin.org/post", params={"q": "test"})

Custom Hooks
from requests import Request, PreparedRequest, Response

from apitist import session, RequestHook, PreparedRequestHook, ResponseHook

s = session()

class ReqHook(RequestHook):

def run(self, request: Request) -> Request:
return request

class PrepReqHook(PreparedRequestHook):

def run(self, request: PreparedRequest) -> PreparedRequest:
return request

class RespHook(ResponseHook):

def run(self, response: Response) -> Response:
return response


s.get("https://ya.ru", params={"q": "test"})

Working with constructor
import attr
import typing

from apitist import (

class ExampleType:
test = None

class ExampleStructure:
test: ExampleType = attr.ib()

class TestResponse:
args: typing.Dict = attr.ib()
data: str = attr.ib()
files: typing.Dict = attr.ib()
form: typing.Dict = attr.ib()
headers: typing.Dict = attr.ib()
json: ExampleStructure = attr.ib()
origin: str = attr.ib()
url: str = attr.ib()

s = session()

def structure_example_type(data, type_):
example = ExampleType()
example.test = data
return example

def unstructure_example_type(data):
return data.test

ExampleType, structure_example_type, unstructure_example_type

t = ExampleType()
t.test = "test"

struc = ExampleStructure(t)

res = s.post("https://httpbin.org/post", data=struc).structure(TestResponse)
print(res.structured.json.test.test) # test

Using random data generator
First of all create an instance of random class:
from apitist import Randomer
rand = Randomer()

Now, you can add custom hooks for different types:
rand.add_type(str, lambda: str(random.random()))
rand.add_type(float, lambda: random.random())

Or using add_types:
types = {
str: lambda: str(random.random()),
float: lambda: random.random()

Now you can create random object for given type or any attrs class with
defined types:
import attr
import dataclasses
import typing

rand.object(str) # '0.6147789314561384'
rand.object(float) # 0.4664297665239271

class Data:
value1: str = attr.ib()
value2: typing.List[str] = attr.ib()
value3: typing.Tuple[float] = attr.ib()

class Dataclass:
value1: str
value2: typing.List[str]
value3: typing.Tuple[float]

# Data(
# value1='0.491058956716827',
# value2=['0.6568036485871975'],
# value3=(0.8603579349502298,)
# )

# Also works for dataclasses
# Data(
# value1='0.491058956716827',
# value2=['0.6568036485871975'],
# value3=(0.8603579349502298,)
# )

It is better to use it with Faker.
Just define different subclasses for str and add different hooks for them.
By this you could create different data for different str fields.
Also, using with RequestConverterHook and ResponseConverterHook
you could easily create random json objects which would be send to server.
Predefined random types
from apitist import Randomer
from apitist.random import Username, FirstName, LastName, Date
from dataclasses import dataclass

class LoginModel:
username: Username
password: str

class BookingDates:
checkin: Date
checkout: Date

class BookingModel:
firstname: FirstName
lastname: LastName
totalprice: int
depositpaid: bool
bookingdates: BookingDates
additionalneeds: str

rand = Randomer()
# LoginModel(
# username='wfeliu',
# password='VjHoHtLSjdoxXhtitaXU'
# )
# BookingModel(
# firstname='Pedro',
# lastname='Luz',
# totalprice=931,
# depositpaid=True,
# bookingdates=BookingDates(checkin='1972-08-29', checkout='1971-05-19'),
# additionalneeds='EFggHSpnzRSJATKtUmOm'
# )


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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