
Creator: coderz1093

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appbar dropdown

AppbarDropdown #
AppBar Dropdown is an attractive UI element that allows for navigation
via a dropdown menu in the AppBar.
Features #

Looks and behaves just like a beautiful AppBar Dropdown menu should
Works over the top of a WebView

Usage #
AppbarDropdown is used by setting it as the value for the flexibleSpace property
of your Scaffold's AppBar.
appBar: AppBar(
flexibleSpace: AppbarDropdown(
items: [ for (var i=0;i<100;i++) "User $i" ],
selected: "User 2",
title: ( (user) => user.toString() ),
onClick: ( (user) => print(user) ),
copied to clipboard
Properties #

items - An array of any object type
title - A function that takes an object of the type in the items array and outputs a string title to display in the list, and in the heading. (This might look something like title: ( (p) => (p as MyAppPageObject).pageName ))


selected - The initial default value, of the same type as the items in the array
onClick - A function that takes the same type of object, and does something with it (eg. change to new app page content, if the objects are page type Widgets)


dialogInsetPadding - Specifies the padding for the dropdown
dropdownAppBarColor - Specifies the colour of the dropdown, including the header

If additional styling configuration is required, please modify and submit a pull request.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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