
Creator: coderz1093

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appboxo sdk

AppboxoSDK for Flutter #
A Flutter plugin to integrate the Appboxo for iOS and Android.
Usage #
import 'package:appboxo_sdk/appboxo_sdk.dart';

Appboxo.setConfig("[client_id]"); //set your Appboxo client_id

Appboxo.setConfig("[client_id]", sandboxMode:false, multitaskMode: false);
//'multitaskMode' works only on Android. By default 'true', each miniapp appears as a task in the Recents screen.

Appboxo.openMiniapp("[miniapp_id]", data, theme);
//launch miniapp by id. [data] is map, theme = "light"|"dark"|"system"

Appboxo.hideAllMiniapps(); //use it to closing all miniapp screens

Appboxo.logout(); //On logout from your app, call it to clear all miniapps data.
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Appboxo.openMiniapp("[miniapp_id]", "[data]");
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Use it when you need to pass data to miniapp.
Custom events #
Handle events from miniapp and send to miniapp.
Appboxo.customEvents().listen((CustomEvent event) {
if (event.appId == 'app12345') {
event.payload = {"foo": "bar"};
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Payment events #
Handle payment events from miniapp and send to miniapp.
Appboxo.paymentEvents().listen((PaymentEvent event) {
if (event.appId == 'app12345') {
event.status = "success";
copied to clipboard
Android #
Requires AndroidX
Include support in android/
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