aprxc 1.1.3

Creator: bradpython12

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aprxc 1.1.3

aprxc (ApproxiCount)
A command-line tool (and Python class) to approximate the number of distinct
elements in files (or a stream) using the F0-Estimator algorithm by S.
Chakraborty, N. V. Vinodchandran and K. S. Meel, as described in their 2023
paper "Distinct Elements in Streams: An Algorithm for the (Text) Book"
Motivation (elevator pitch): Easier to remember and always faster than sort | uniq -c | wc -l. Uses a fixed amount of memory for huge datasets, unlike the
ever-growing footprint of awk '!a[$0]++' | wc -l. Counts accurately for the
first ~83k unique elements (on 64-bit systems), with a deviation of about 0.4–1%
after that.
Choose your preferred way:
pip install aprxc
uv tool install aprxc

Or test-run it in an isolated environment first, via pipx run or uvx:
pipx run aprxc --help
uvx aprxc --help

Lastly, as aprxc.py has no dependencies besides Python 3.11+, you can simply
download it, run it, put it your PATH, vendor it, etc.
Features and shortcomings
Compared to sort/uniq:

sort/uniq always uses less memory (about 30-50%).
sort/uniq is about 5 times slower.

Compared to 'the awk construct':

awk uses about the same amount of time (0.5x-2x).
awk uses much more memory for large files. Basically linear to the file
size, while ApproxiCount has an upper bound. For typical multi-GiB files
this can mean factors of 20x-150x, e.g. 5GiB (awk) vs. 40MiB (aprxc).

Now let's address the elephant in the room: All these advantages (yes, the pro
and cons are pretty balanced, but overall one can say that aprxc performs
generally better than the alternatives, especially with large data inputs) are
bought with an inaccuracy in the reported counts.
About inaccuracy
But how inaccurate? In its default configuration you'll get a mean inaccuracy
of about 0,4%, with occasional outliers around 1%. For example, if the
script encounters 10M (10_000_000) actual unique values, the reported count is
typically ~40k off (e.g. 10_038_680), sometimes ~100k (e.g. 9_897_071).
Here's an overview (highly unscientific!) of how the algorithm parameters 𝜀 and
𝛿 (--epsilon and --delta on the command line) affect the inaccuracy. The
defaults of 0.1 for both values seem to strike a good balance (and a memorable
inaccuracy of ~1%). Epsilon is the 'main manipulation knob', and you can see
quite good how its value affects especially the maximum inaccuracy.
(For this overview I counted 10 million unique 32-character strings[^1], and for
each iteration I checked the reported count and compared to the actual number
of unique items. 'Mean inacc.' is the mean inaccuracy across all 10M steps;
'max inacc.' is the highest off encountered; memory usage is the linux tool
time's reported 'maxresident'; time usage is wall time.)

set size
mean inacc.
max inacc.
memory usage
time usage

1155MiB (4418%)
12.5s (162%)

70MiB (269%)
9.5s (123%)

26MiB (100%)
7.7s (100%)

17MiB (65%)
7.3s (95%)

13MiB (36%)
8.8s (114%)

Important (and nice feature): In its default configuration, the algorithm
uses a set data structure with 83187 slots, meaning that until that number of
unique elements are encountered the reported counts are exact; only once
this limit is reached, the 'actual' approximation algorithm kicks in and numbers
will become estimations.
Is it useful?

You have to be okay with the inaccuracies, obviously.
However, for small unique counts (less than 80k) the numbers are accurate and
the command might be easier to remember than the sort/uniq pipe or the awkward
awk construct.
It's basically always faster than the sort/uniq pipe.
If you are memory-constrained and want to deal with large files, it might be
an option.
If you are working exploratory and don't care about exact numbers or you will
round them anyway in the end, this can save you time.

The experimental 'top most common' feature
I've added a couple of lines of code to support a 'top most common' items
feature. An alternative to the sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head-pipeline or
Tim Bray's nice topfew tool (written in
It kinda works, but…

The counts are good, even surprisingly good, as for the whole base algorithm,
but definitely worse and not as reliable as the nice 1%-mean-inaccuracy for
the total count case.
I lack the mathematical expertise to prove or disprove anything about that
If you ask for a top 10 (-t10 or --top 10), you mostly get what you
expect, but if the counts are close the lower ranks become 'unstable'; even
rank 1 and 2 sometimes switch places etc.
Compared with topfew (I wondered if this approximation algorithm could be
an optional flag for topfew), this Python code is impressively close to
the Go performance, especially if reading a lot of data from a pipe.
Unfortunately, I fear that this algorithm is not parallelizable. But I leave
that, and the re-implementation in Go or Rust, as an exercise for the reader
Just try it!

Command-line interface
usage: aprxc [-h] [--top [X]] [--size SIZE] [--epsilon EPSILON]
[--delta DELTA] [--cheat | --no-cheat] [--verbose] [--version]
[path ...]

Estimate the number of distinct lines in a file or stream.

positional arguments:
path Input file path(s) and/or '-' for stdin (default:

-h, --help show this help message and exit
--top [X], -t [X] EXPERIMENTAL: Show X most common values. Off by
default. If enabled, X defaults to 10.
--size SIZE, -s SIZE Total amount of data items, if known in advance. (Can
be approximated.)
--delta DELTA, -D DELTA
--cheat, --no-cheat Use 'total seen' number as upper bound for unique
--verbose, -v
--version, -V show program's version number and exit

The benchmark script:
cat /dev/urandom | pv -q -L 1000M | base64 -w 32 | command time ./aprxc.py --debug --epsilon=0.1 --delta=0.1


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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