aqwebengine 0.0.2

Creator: bradpython12

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aqwebengine 0.0.2

Qt QWebEngine on async steroids:

async versions of methods to load URL and set page html
async versions of methods to get page content as HTML and plain text
async method to call python from JS
async method to call JS from Python

Uses qasync as an engine to run PyQt/PySide2 asyncronously.
w = AQWebEngine()
await w.set_html_async('<b>Hello</b>, world!')
await w.load('')
html = await w.to_html_async() # get current page as HTML
text = await w.to_plain_text() # get current page as plain text
await w.eval_js('function inc(x) { return x + 1; }')
result = await w.eval_js('inc(41)')
assert result == 42
def do_something(x):
return x + 1
w.register_python_function('do_something', do_something)
result = await w.eval_js('qt.callPython("do_something", 41)')
assert result == 42

Python API
Asynchronously evaluates the string argument as a JS expression.
Returns result to the Python caller. JSError is raised if evaluation of JS expression throws an exception.
Registeres a python (sync or async) function to be callable from JS (see qt.callPython JS API below).
Python function should take a single JSON-serializable parameter.

function_name - the name of the function, as seen by JS
function - python function. Can be sync or async, should take a single JSON-serializable argument.

Calls python host.

function_name - the name of the registered python function
(optional) args - any JSON-serializable value

Python function may return JSON-serializable value, that will be returned to the JS caller.


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