ARCCSSive 0.3.3

Creator: bradpython12

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ARCCSSive 0.3.3

# ARCCSSiveARCCSS Data Access Tools[![Documentation Status](]([![Build Status](]([![CircleCI](]([![](]([![Code Health](]([![Code Climate](]([![PyPI version](]([![Anaconda-Server Badge](]( full documentation please see RaijinThe stable version of ARCCSSive is available on Rajin in the `analysis27` Anaconda environment: raijin moduleuse/g/data3/hh5/public/modulesraijin module load conda/analysis27and is also available as a module: raijin moduleuse access/modulesraijin module load pythonlib/ARCCSSive### NCI Virtual DesktopsNCI's virtual desktops allow you to use ARCCSSive from a Jupyter notebook. Fordetails on how to use virtual desktops see can be accessed on VDI using the Anaconda environments: vdi moduleuse/g/data3/hh5/public/modulesvdi module load conda/analysis27### Local InstallYou can install ARCCSSive locally using either Anaconda or Pip. You will needto copy the database file from Raijin You can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modeYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math mode conda install -c coecms arccssive scpraijin:/g/data1/ua6/unofficial−ESG−replica/tmp/tree/cmip5raijinlatest.dbPWD/cmip5.db exportCMIP5DB=sqlite:///PWD/cmip5.db### Development VersionTo install the current development version with a test database: pipinstall−−usergit+ export CMIP5_DB=sqlite:///$HOME/cmip5.dbCMIP5=====Query and access the CMIP5 data from Raijin```pythonfrom ARCCSSive import CMIP5cmip = CMIP5.DB.connect()for output in cmip.outputs(model='ACCESS1-0'): variable = output.variable files = output.filenames() ```Uses[SQLAlchemy]( filter and sort the data files.


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