argskwargsmodifierclass 0.10

Creator: bradpython12

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argskwargsmodifierclass 0.10

A decorator that modifies the arguments and keyword arguments of a function based on the calling instance's attributes.
Tested against Windows / Python 3.11 / Anaconda
pip install argskwargsmodifierclass
A decorator that modifies the arguments and keyword arguments of a function based on the calling instance's attributes.

f_py (function, optional): Reserved for the function; do not use this argument explicitly.

args_and_function (tuple of tuples): A tuple of tuples where each tuple contains an argument
name and a function to transform the argument.
The decorator will apply the specified function to each argument with a matching name.
Each transformation function takes three arguments: the argument value,
a dictionary of keyword arguments, and the instance that called the decorated method.

function: The decorated function.

from argskwargsmodifierclass import change_args_kwargs
class ADBTEST:
def __init__(self, stripit=True):
self.stripit = stripit

lambda arg, argdict, instance: arg.strip("x")
if instance.stripit
else arg,
def onefunction(self, text,number=10):

t = ADBTEST(stripit=True)
t.onefunction("bibib xxxx",number=20)
t.onefunction("bibibx xxxx",15)

t2 = ADBTEST(stripit=False)
t2.onefunction(text="aaabibib", number=0x5)
t2.onefunction("aaaabibibx xx")

t.stripit = False
t.onefunction("bibib xxxx")
t.onefunction("bibibx xxxx")

t2.stripit = True
t2.onefunction("aaabibib xxx")
t2.onefunction("aaaabibibx xx")

# text='bibib '
# number=20
# text='bibibx '
# number=15
# text='aaabibib'
# number=5
# text='aaaabibibx xx'
# number=10
# text='bibib xxxx'
# number=10
# text='bibibx xxxx'
# number=10
# text='aaabibib '
# number=10
# text='aaaabibibx '
# number=10

The `change_args_kwargs` decorator allows you to modify function arguments and keyword arguments based on
the attributes of the calling instance.
It takes a tuple of argument transformations, each of which is defined as a tuple containing an argument name,
a transformation function, and the instance that called the decorated method.
The decorator dynamically adjusts the arguments according to the instance's attributes,
providing fine-grained control over argument modification.


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