argus 0.0.11

Creator: bradpython12

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argus 0.0.11

# Helper routines for using multiple, inexpensive cameras
Brandon Jackson and Dennis Evangelista, 2014-2015
Eventually setup cloneable Bitbucket repository:
` hg --clone ssh:// `
To install the module, run (as administrator):
` python install `
This also works although it only gives last stable:
` sudo pip install argus `
## What’s new in Version 0.0.11

Hopefully this brings PyPI in line with Bitbucket etc

## What’s new in Version 0.0.10

Seems to work for Python 3 and OpenCV 3
CMei Omnidirectional Camera stuff
Updated README and documentation
Bug fixes
now available through []
API documentation at []

## Description
Argus had 1000 eyes. You might only have 3 cameras but hopefully this is
This Python module includes helper routines for calibrating, synchronizing,
and using multiple inexpensive cameras for reconstructing 3D positions for
scientific uses, such as in biology, biomechanics, ecology, etc. This module
includes chessboard calibration, automatic wand tracking, and synchronization
using sound and is intended to interface with the python sba sparse bundle
adjustment routines for 3D calibration and reconstruction.
Companion Matlab routines are also available.
If these routines are helpful in your work, please cite Jackson, Evangelista, Ray, Hedrick (2016), 3D for the people: multi-camera motion capture in the field with consumer-grade cameras and open source software, Biology Open 5:1334-1342:
`bibtex @article{Jackson:2016:3D, author={Jackson, B and Evangelista, D and Ray, D and Hedrick, T}, year={2016}, title={3D for the people: multi-camera motion capture in the field with consumer-grade cameras and open source software}, journal={Biology Open}, volume={5}, pages={1334--1342}, doi={10.1242/bio.018713}} `
## Still to do
Autowand and keypoint finder for automatic detection of extrinsic calibration
points. Also provide worked example with sparse bundle adjustment (sba is
part of the Python sba library / or is implemented in Matlab in EasyWand).
## See also
The Argus GUI is here [] or visit [] for Windows and MacOS builds.
## Thanks to
Ty Hedrick, Dylan Ray, Talia Weiss, others


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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