asgikit 0.9.0

Creator: bradpython12

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asgikit 0.9.0

Asgikit - ASGI Toolkit
Asgikit is a toolkit for building asgi applications and frameworks.
It is intended to be a minimal library and provide the building blocks for other libraries.
The examples directory contain usage examples of several use cases


Body (bytes, str, json, stream)


Plain text


Request and Response
Asgikit Request and Response were designed to be have minimal interfaces,
so they only provide very few methods to read from the request and write to the response.
In particular, the Response works differently from most tools, in which you do not
return a response, but you write data into it.
It is provided several functions to interact with the request and the response, for instance,
to read form data from the request and write json to the response.
This strategy allows for simpler extensibility. For example, to parse json from the request
using an alternative json parser, you just need to write a function that reads the request.
Similarly, to write another data format into the response, you just write a function that
writes to the response.
Custom JSON encoder and decoder
By default, asgikit uses json.dumps and json.loads for dealing with JSON. If
you want to use other libraries like orjson, just define the environment variable
ASGIKIT_JSON_ENCODER of the module compatible with json, or the full path to
the functions that perform encoding and decoding, in that order:
# or

Example request and response
from asgikit.requests import Request, read_json
from asgikit.responses import respond_json

async def main(scope, receive, send):
request = Request(scope, receive, send)

# request method
method = request.method

# request path
path = request.path

# request headers
headers = request.headers

# read body as json
body_json = await read_json(request)

data = {
"lang": "Python",
"async": True,
"platform": "asgi",
"method": method,
"path": path,
"headers": dict(headers.items()),
"body": body_json,

# send json response
await respond_json(request.response, data)

Example websocket
from asgikit.requests import Request
from asgikit.errors.websocket import WebSocketDisconnectError

async def app(scope, receive, send):
request = Request(scope, receive, send)
ws = request.websocket
await ws.accept()

while True:
message = await ws.receive()
await ws.send(message)
except WebSocketDisconnectError:
print("Client disconnect")


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