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asset file generator
Asset File Generator For Flutter #
A simple command line tool that is used to generate the file containing a class, where all the assets present in the given directory will be mapped to a unique variable name.
How to Use? #
Run this command in your terminal to activate the package.
dart pub global activate asset_file_generator
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To run a script directly from the command line, add the system cache bin directory to your PATH environment variable. After adding the path, run this command for help.
afg -h
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Available arguments:
-a, --asset-path path to the directory where your assets are stored
(defaults to ".")
-e, --export-path path to the directory where you want to export
(defaults to ".")
-c, --class-suffix suffix added to the generated class name
(defaults to "Assets")
-f, --allowed-file-extentions files that will be included
(defaults to "png-svg-jpg-jpeg-gif-json")
-h, --help displays help information
-s, --single-file generates a single file for all the assets
-m, --multiple-files generates multiple files for all the assets based on directory
-w, --watch watch changes in the directory and re-generate the files
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Conventions: #
The name of the file should be in lower case.
Multiple words of assets should be joined using '_' or '-' to create separation.
It is recommended to move all your assets under same directory and then generate the file/files.
It is also recommended to create a separate directory for the exported file/files.
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