as3toplevel 0.0.4

Creator: bradpython12

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as3toplevel 0.0.4

Do not use version 0.0.3. I forgot to remove the stuff I used for debugging
A python implementation of some of the ActionScript3 toplevel functions and classes. They are as close as I could get them with my knowledge and the very limited documentation that adobe provides.
The types (Array, Boolean, Int, Number, and String) are actual types so you can use them as such. They include almost everything that they did in ActionScript3. The length method in each type can only be used to get the length, I didn't implement the length assignment for Arrays.
Most of the inherited properties would be too hard to implement so I didn't bother with them.
I implemented the type conversion functions inside the types themselves (ex: instead of String(expression) use String.String(expression)).
For functions that needed a placeholder value for input(s) that aren't easily definable, like multiple possible types or they relied on other factors to be set, I use an empty dictionary as a placeholder. The values that these empty dictionaries represent aren't actually dictionaries, I just used something that would never be used in these functions so that I could detect it.
I have no way as of current to test the accuracy of these functions as I can't find a compiler for actionscript that I could get to work so if anything doesn't work or there is undocumented functionality please let me know on the github page.

Currently Implemented
ArgumentError(Error Class)
Array(Function) - Moved to Array.Array()
Array(Data Type)
 Array(Constructor) - Create from values moved to class init function, create to size moved to toSize(Function).
 length(Property) - Moved to length(Function). Length assignment functionality not implemented yet
Boolean(Function) - Moved to Boolean.Boolean()
Boolean(Data Type) - Data representation changed from "true" and "false" to "True" and "False"
 Boolean(Constructor) - Moved to class init function
DefinitionError(Error Class)
Error(Error Class)
EvalError(Error Class)
int(Data Type) - Moved to Int
Math(Class) - All functions in this class had corresponding functions in python
Number(Function) - Moved to Number.Number()
Number(Data Type)
 Number(Constructor) - Moved to class init function
RangeError(Error Class)
ReferenceError(Error Class)
SecurityError(Error Class)
String(Function) - Moved to String.String()
String(Data Type)
 String(Constructor) - Moved to class init function
 length(Property) - Moved to length(Function)
SyntaxError(Error Class)
TypeError(Error Class)
URIError(Error Class)
VerifyError(Error Class)

Partially Implemented
Date(Data Type)
Number(Data Type)
int(Data Type)
 toString(Function) - Don't know what is supposed to happen when radix is outside of the given range (not documented)
Number(Data Type)
String(Data Type)
 substr(Function) - Don't know what happens when startIndex is outside of string (not documented)
trace(Function) - Don't know how to accept which file to write to (not documented)

Future Plans
Array(Data Type)
Date(Data Type)
int(Data Type)
RegExp(Data Type)
Number(Data Type)
String(Data Type)
uint(Data Type)
Vector(Data Type)

Functions I added
listtoarray - converts a given list to an Array. Returns the Array.
Array.toSize - Creates an Array to specified size. If nothing is specified, assumes 0 elements
Dunder methods to relavent data types
escapeFullConvert - converts all characters to URL-encoded format


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